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Flight Opts pilot arrested

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The other parts don't matter. By own admission he committed the other crimes listed. I don't care about any of the other information. Not relevant to me and apparently not to the DA. Unless he wants to say he was forced to commit the actions he admitted to.

I also would not expect the Public Defender to spin it and smear the victim any other way.
El Chupacabra said:
The other parts don't matter. By own admission he committed the other crimes listed. I don't care about any of the other information. Not relevant to me and apparently not to the DA. Unless he wants to say he was forced to commit the actions he admitted to.

I also would not expect the Public Defender to spin it and smear the victim any other way.

Boy, you are one closed-minded individual. The only "admission" I've seen is that he admitted to having sex with her. Let me reiterate that if he did indeed rape her, then he should hang by his nuts til they fall off. However, in this country we are supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. She is an alleged victim. Here's some more info for you:

Web Editor: Sean Rowe
Last Modified: 8/12/2005 2:00:29 PM

A licensed pilot charged with raping a teenage girl in a stairwell at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport received a bond of $200,000 during a hearing Friday.

Although charged with rape and sexual battery, Michael Matthews, 39, maintains he had consensual sex with a 16-year-old girl he met during a flight from Daytona Beach, Fla., to Atlanta on August 2. Police say Matthews coaxed the girl into an open stairwell at the airport and sexually assaulted her.

Matthews is employed by Charter Options of Cleveland, Ohio. During his first court appearance on Aug. 3, he told a judge that he could not afford to hire his own attorney. The judge agreed to provide court-appointed counsel.
It doesn't appear his story has changed. So the prosecutor is correct in one sense - he won't walk away scot-free. By his own admission, he is at least guilty of public indecency. (I'm not too sure about being guilty of "fornication," though in Georgia it wouldn't surprise me.)
I guess I have not been clear.

I would not care if she was a 16 yr old runaway hooker who solicited him. What was admitted is enough for me.

39 ............. 16

case closed.
Ultra Grump said:
By his own admission, he is at least guilty of public indecency. (I'm not too sure about being guilty of "fornication," though in Georgia it wouldn't surprise me.)

Much to my surprise and dismay, actually fornication IS a crime (albiet only a misdemeanor) in Georgia!! I guess the prosecutor was right. Click on Chapter 16, Crimes and Offenses and then scroll down in adobe format to page 48 section 16-6-18 and see it for yourself! Sad but true.
El Chupacabra said:
I guess I have not been clear.

I would not care if she was a 16 yr old runaway hooker who solicited him. What was admitted is enough for me.

39 ............. 16

case closed.
Yes, you've been plenty clear. You apparently have issues with the fact that that is perfectly legal in the state of Georgia.

Ultra Grump said:
Sex with a 16-year-old? I wouldn't, but it isn't illegal in Georgia. If you have a problem with that, then move to Georgia and write your congressman. Or better yet, become your congressman and change the law.
Georgia Criminal Code said:
(a) A person commits the offense of statutory rape when he or she engages in sexual
intercourse with any person under the age of 16 years and not his or her spouse, provided
that no conviction shall be had for this offense on the unsupported testimony of the victim.

Hmmm..."unsupported testimony"...interesting...
El Chupacabra said:
I guess I have not been clear.

I would not care if she was a 16 yr old runaway hooker who solicited him. What was admitted is enough for me.

39 ............. 16

case closed.
I'm sure neither he nor his attorney give a rat's a** what you or I think. It's strictly a legal matter, and evidence seems to increasingly point to a "he said-she said" situation. The anti- fornication law is probably one of those still-on-the-books-but-never-enforced laws (like prohibition against having chickens running loose in the town hall on election day, or something arcane like that). My guess is that he'll maybe get a short stint in jail, and then probation, for indecent exposure or lewd public behavior. He'll have that dogging him everytime he looks for a job. (His biggest worry might be making sure he doesn't wind up in the same cockpit as El Chupacabra!). I picture him twenty years from now sitting in some dingy bar in the Virgin Islands, drunk, and telling anyone who will listen about his job flying scenic tours and the b*tch who f***ed-up his life years earlier.
leardawg said:
I picture him twenty years from now sitting in some dingy bar in the Virgin Islands, drunk, and telling anyone who will listen about his job flying scenic tours and the b*tch who f***ed-up his life years earlier.
You probably just described the retirement of half the pilots on this message board. :cool:
telling anyone who will listen about his job flying scenic tours and the b*tch who f***ed-up his life years earlier

Blame someone else instead of accepting responsibility. Par for the course.

El Chupacabra said:
telling anyone who will listen about his job flying scenic tours and the b*tch who f***ed-up his life years earlier

Blame someone else instead of accepting responsibility. Par for the course.

He shouldn't have done it in a stairwell, and he should have checked an ID.

However, The more I see and read about the "facts" that are released in this case I am getting the picture that she was on the plane by herself, and probably portrayed herself as much older.

Personally I feel that she was probably one of the garden variety sexually active and promiscuous (sp?) teenage girls that are more and more common now. I do not know if it is a society thing or poor parenting or both, but in my neighborhood alone there are two young girls that you would be hard pressed to ID as under 18.

While out jogging it is not uncommon to see them close to getting "busy" with some of the local boys in full view of the neighborhood before their parents get home from work. Neither the way they dress or act can easily be identified as under age. Their persona more closely resembles "strippers" than anything else. Back in college I dated some 19 and 20 year olds that did not have the equipment or maturity that these two seem to portray. One of the neighbors commonly refers to them as the "Jail Bait Slut Patrol"

It will be an interesting trial to watch.
Lear70 said:
If this all does turn out to be just her invoking the "rape" word to save herself embarrassment and Flt Opts dropped him like they did, he's going to be set for life after the lawsuit against Flt Opts...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he was an 'At Will Employee'. AND that he does NOT fall under 'protected class'.

You know how far that's gonna get him in any claims against FLOPS. ZIP DUDE!

C'mon man, you are freaking dreaming! And I would go so far to say that he'll never be a professional pilot again!

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