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Flex's Response?

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You know what sucks about unionizing? If we voted a union in today, it would be minimum 3 years before anything changed. The company would freeze our current pay rates and, everything from then on would have to be fought for. Unionizing would stagnate everything.
How long do you want to work at Flex? if it's a short time I agree, it wouldn't be worth the trouble. 3 years is worth the trouble if it makes this job into a place worth staying at for a career. Don't worry there is no one at flex thats has the guts to do the work to bring a union here
All of you Flex people should shut up and go to nja. You have the best company, best airplanes, you really don't work that hard. You make a lot of money, they feed you everyday, management has turned flex around, they are making a profit now. I wish all I had to work was a 16 day line. I got a better idea go to work flying freight for awhile. Be thankful for the job you have, bunch of idiots. el raton your the biggest idiot on this whole board!!!!!!!!!! Cosmo you got the right idea
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Come and work here for a while mr hammer2 before you start calling people idiots. I did fly freight for over 5 years. We work harder than you think.
I do work here, flew freight for years, thankful to be here. Be happy with the job you have or leave. This will be the # 1 frac shortly.

hammer2 said:
I do work here, flew freight for years, thankful to be here. Be happy with the job you have or leave. This will be the # 1 frac shortly.

OK, Office Puke.:puke:

What ever!!!

Hey, go cook some more cookies. I hear they love Choc.Chip. Then, you can sit back and enjoy the sub par package presented at the Dog and Pony show on Dec.13. Or, wait for the "Road SHOW". By the way, I have tickets for sale. I can get you on the front row. You might just be dumb enough to buy one.

When we get the "Package", I hope we don't have to look around for Ashton Cutcher to see if we've just been "PUNKED".
cosmotheassman said:

You know what sucks about unionizing? If we voted a union in today, it would be minimum 3 years before anything changed. The company would freeze our current pay rates and, everything from then on would have to be fought for. Unionizing would stagnate everything.

Oh...and things are moving QUICKLY for you NOW ?

The problem with EVERYTHING you say on this board assboy is that when FACTS are presented into your argument...you lose.

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