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Flex's Response?

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Thanks Diesel. Yes, I took the bait hook in and sinker....

This H...Rammmer can't be for real. He's just throwin' fuel on the fire. NO ONE could be that clueless and out of touch.

Keep 'em commin' Rammer. We're glad to hear from ya, and we could always use a good laugh.:laugh:

hammer2 said:
Goodnight everybody. I have another very early show, and I want to be well rested so I can do a good job for the company that takes good care of me and all of its employees. P.S. diesel we can't even get enough people intrested to even entertain a vote for a union.

No offense but obviously with this and all your other posts you are severely out of touch with the pulse at flex. New cards will be sent out the first quarter of the year, so I guess we do have enough people interested to entertain a vote.

You say only 15 or so are on this board complaining -- true maybe -- but there's a lot of complaining going on BB -- far more than you give credit too.

As for your work week talking to dozens of crewmembers who love it at flex, I just simply can't believe you as 90% of anyone I come into contact with is pretty upset about the current situation and culture at flex. Maybe the people you come into contact with just realize you are a company stooge and agreeing with you is easier than arguing with you.

As for whether or not this new union vote will pass, I think it really all depends on what happens next week, but I am betting unless they match day for day and $ for $, a union will pass no problem this time around. A lot of us who voted no the last time (myself included) are feeling pretty burned and stupid right about now.

Look at the results of the new CAB election. Now tell me the company isn't heading more pro union... If you don't know what I'm talking about, there is a reason you're not in the know, so I won't explain it....
Hey fellow flexjetters,
Love to sit and chat but I have to go out and fly. I don't know about you guys, but it feels good when I do what I can to help make Flex profitable, it feels like job security.;)
I have still been hearing rumors about Flexjet firing people when they give their two week notice. Anybody know if there is any truth to the rumor?
hammer2 said:
Hey fellow flexjetters,
Love to sit and chat but I have to go out and fly. I don't know about you guys, but it feels good when I do what I can to help make Flex profitable, it feels like job security.;)

hatetoadmitit said:
I have still been hearing rumors about Flexjet firing people when they give their two week notice. Anybody know if there is any truth to the rumor?

Ah yes, it is starting all over again. Guys with a low number of posts suddenly posting dis-information on chat sites. Or coporate trolls trying to spread the "love."

What is next ... calling guys who cover Flex flights SCABS!

Gotta love it! Now that my friends, is entertainment!
hatetoadmitit said:
I have still been hearing rumors about Flexjet firing people when they give their two week notice. Anybody know if there is any truth to the rumor?

hatetoadmitit, while I do not know if the rumor is true, I can tell you that Texas is an employment at will state which means you can be fired for the fact that they don't like your tie or for any other reason without cause. Having been in management prior to coming into aviation, I know that to let you go for no reason is costly to the company in that they have to pay you unemployement. I have worked for companies that took both ways with your rumor. Some, do to sensitivity issues would let you go on the spot, but were still required to fulfill your 2 weeks in the form of pay. Others gladly allowed you to fulfill your resignation.

Hope this helps.
One more thing fellow Crewmembers,
Lets not forget to show M.M. & D.G. our appreciation for all the hard work they did this year. We know that they are the reason we have such a great job & QOL. You know a little holiday cheer.
hammer2 said:
One more thing fellow Crewmembers,
Lets not forget to show M.M. & D.G. our appreciation for all the hard work they did this year. We know that they are the reason we have such a great job & QOL. You know a little holiday cheer.


Someone please wake me up.


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