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Flex's Response?

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hammer2 said:
Just wanted everybody know; it was a beautiful sunrise at 430 this morning. I was noticing this while I was teaching a new guy some things, who by the way was so happy and greatful for the opportunity flex had given him. While doing this I had a great spinach ommelete. Guys my pay check was huge, with the 3 days overtime, I can make more than the pilots at nja. I don't know why anybody would complain about this company. Why would you want to put them out of business by asking for so much. again be happy with where you are at or leave!! I do have to say my language was to strong the pilots at flex are not idiots, I apologize.


Tool doesn't even begin to descibe this moron. But, at least he's makin' me laugh.

Be kind to Hammer Time, 'cause he just doesn't have a clue.

KEEP POSTING, Hammer Time. Let us read just how stupid you really are.

What color is the sky in your world? Does the sun still orbit the earth in Hammerville?

By the way, Pay is not the only issue. Sure I could work 300 days a year and give myself a raise. But, I shouldn't have to, you idiot.
Just an observation..

Why is it that whenever someone posts his/her opinion about something, the side that disagrees goes on personal attacks? So you don't agree with him/her. So what? While I agree that working over time days does not constitute for a raise or better work days, it is just his/her opinion. If he/she is the majority at flex then you have something to worry about, if he/she is not, then you don't. It would appear to me that in reading BB, the company has made it's decision on what it is and is not going to do, which we are supposed to find out about next week, and all of this personal bantering and attacking is about as useless a pi#$ing in the wind. Again, just an obervation and opinion.
About 15 people who work at flex appear to be posting here. On this rotation alone I have talk to twice as many with no complaints, its just you who post here that are disgruntled, the rest of us are either moving on or are happy with flex. There is so few of you here I don't believe that there is any gripe at flex. Good Job crew members!
Don't worry hammer only about 20 guys from NJA posts here.

We voted a TA down by 83 percent.
Shut down 284 and started 1108
scratched clawed and fought harder than the company could have ever imagined
got a new ta which was voted in by 83 percent
industry leading TA that got CS a raise

i won't even go into the work rules but i'll enjoy my 180 days a year of work.
Goodnight everybody. I have another very early show, and I want to be well rested so I can do a good job for the company that takes good care of me and all of its employees. P.S. diesel we can't even get enough people intrested to even entertain a vote for a union.
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So i'm sure you got briefed as per part 91k with no grey areas for your early show. it's not a voluntary phone call at 10 hours.

We shut down at 1300 and they brief us for a 1000 show. They can't touch us till 1000.

Personally i think you're just posting flame bait.

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