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Flex's Response?

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Diesel -
We at FlexJet owe you guys a tremendous thank you for elevating the industry standard. I pray that our company will do the right thing and at least match the new bar. Many of us came to FlexJet with thoughts of "Hanging our Hats Here", but I am scared to stay if they fall short of NJ or CS. We will have way too much attrition and coupled with the projected NJ hiring, SWA hiring and others we will be forced to charter or break contracts and lower the hiring minimums. Either way, if pilots like me are willing to leave Flex and start over what kind of message does it send to new hires? Our revolving door policy has remained fairly constant until now. This could have devasting effects on our business model. I know at least 17 pilots who have NJ applications and several are in the pool at SWA - talk about an exodus. I really want to stay here but may be logically forced to leave. We'll know in a week or so, but it seems most of the senior pilots have nothing good to say. Perhaps they have been burned too many times.
Sounds you edited / backpeddled after blasting FlexJet pilots. You really should be careful how you say things - some of these guys are the best pilots I've ever flown with and many have heavy combat experience. As always comments are welcome but you lose credibility when, as an outsider, you try to join in our reindeer games.

I wonder what beaner is trying to soften us up for with his post on the BB. Perhaps he knows Flex's response lacks any substance, and will be just another show with smoke and mirrors. We've seen it all before.

Hopefully the new CAB members will make sure ALL of the issues are at least mentioned at the next meeting.

Read the post and give us your take on the tone. He is one of our long standing CAB members. He has his finger on the pulse of management. Who knows?

Not me.
gipper6 said:
Diesel -
We at FlexJet owe you guys a tremendous thank you for elevating the industry standard. I pray that our company will do the right thing and at least match the new bar.

And if they do not then consider taking control of your own future with a Strong Union voice.
If you read Ryans post about the PBS, he mentioned something about putting new rules in as handed down from up high. Don't know what we are getting now.
Just wanted everybody know; it was a beautiful sunrise at 430 this morning. I was noticing this while I was teaching a new guy some things, who by the way was so happy and greatful for the opportunity flex had given him. While doing this I had a great spinach ommelete. Guys my pay check was huge, with the 3 days overtime, I can make more than the pilots at nja. I don't know why anybody would complain about this company. Why would you want to put them out of business by asking for so much. again be happy with where you are at or leave!! I do have to say my language was to strong the pilots at flex are not idiots, I apologize.
hammer2 said:
Just wanted everybody know; it was a beautiful sunrise at 430 this morning. I was noticing this while I was teaching a new guy some things, who by the way was so happy and greatful for the opportunity flex had given him. While doing this I had a great spinach ommelete. Guys my pay check was huge, with the 3 days overtime, I can make more than the pilots at nja. I don't know why anybody would complain about this company. Why would you want to put them out of business by asking for so much. again be happy with where you are at or leave!!
This is the kind of thinking that has gotten the airlines to where they are.

Your paycheck WITH 3 DAYS OF OVERTIME is bigger than a NJA regular paycheck? There's something to brag about. You have to work twice as many days at work just to get the same paycheck?

Repeat after me: Pay and days off. Payanddaysoffpayanddaysoffpayanddaysoff...

Most of your coworkers want and DESERVE more money and more days off. Flexjet is 10 years behind on COLA increases (i.e. a pilot at Flex makes the same thing he/she could have made in an equivalent aircraft 10 years ago). You, my friend, are in the MINORITY.

Time for Flexjet to step up to the plate.

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