For people that dont remember history it will definitely repeat itself if you dont learn from it. I have been around long enough to remember this!
This crash is what started the whole "Flight Crew/Everybody" needs to go through security checks so this "CANT" happen again. Here we are 23 years later and some ground crews still swipe through with no security checks whatsoever! U-N-B-E-L-I-V-A-B-L-E
My hats off to the Pilot for posting those videos. It brings to light what is still wrong with the system. I just feel sorry he's being punished for being honest and showing the truth and lack of security for everyone just to save money.
This crash is what started the whole "Flight Crew/Everybody" needs to go through security checks so this "CANT" happen again. Here we are 23 years later and some ground crews still swipe through with no security checks whatsoever! U-N-B-E-L-I-V-A-B-L-E
My hats off to the Pilot for posting those videos. It brings to light what is still wrong with the system. I just feel sorry he's being punished for being honest and showing the truth and lack of security for everyone just to save money.