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Fedex Hiring Mins when hiring resumes...

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Says the 2000TT F/A-18 driver hire

When they're hiring, Fedex also hires plenty of civilians too. My class was 40% civilian while others were 50/50.

Were they 2000TT civilians? No, but whether you and the other whiner want to admit it or not, everyone with common sense knows 2000 hours in an F/A-18 represents significantly more flying experience than an equivalent amount of civilian time.

Every other airline weighs mil time, especially fighter time, heavier than civilian time, THAT'S a fact, Mr. Whiner. After spending hours droning around the world on autopilot, blocked out with the engines shut down waiting for a wheels up time or a gate to park the jet, getting de-iced or just twiddling my thumbs in a conga line, I understand why. So, why should Fedex be any different?
Maybe because flying a fighter has nothing to do with flying a big cargo jet, other than they have wings? And the other civilian guys have thousands more hours actually flying big heavy jets in the actual ATC system?

Just a thought mind you.
Stop that

When they're hiring, Fedex also hires plenty of civilians too. My class was 40% civilian while others were 50/50.

Were they 2000TT civilians? No, but whether you and the other whiner want to admit it or not, everyone with common sense knows 2000 hours in an F/A-18 represents significantly more flying experience than an equivalent amount of civilian time.

Every other airline weighs mil time, especially fighter time, heavier than civilian time, THAT'S a fact, Mr. Whiner. After spending hours droning around the world on autopilot, blocked out with the engines shut down waiting for a wheels up time or a gate to park the jet, getting de-iced or just twiddling my thumbs in a conga line, I understand why. So, why should Fedex be any different?
Hey this is FI, stop dealing in reality
Waaaaambulance Time

Maybe because flying a fighter has nothing to do with flying a big cargo jet, other than they have wings? And the other civilian guys have thousands more hours actually flying big heavy jets in the actual ATC system?

Just a thought mind you.
:crying: Ohhhhhhh Nooooooo.....Here we go again. I sense yet another mil vs civ thread. :bawling:
2k in any fighter, or any military plane at that over how much time? As far as I know, that kind of time would take a military guy 10+ years at the minimum. Add the fact that they were in the top 10% of any school they went to just to get in the flight program and that they have all been rigorously poked and prodded the entire time in the military, and you have a HR persons dream. Kind of takes all the guess work out of hiring someone, huh?
I wise friend of mine gave me a priceless piece of advice years ago on how best deal with such naïve dreamers;

"Don't say a word... otherwise they will not come back tomorrow and make me laugh again."
I don't suppose that they would be any fun to fly with. With all the attitude and how great they are. Oh I forgot. This isn't about fun or enjoyment anymore. We're talking about flying for FedEx.
Jeeze, go buy yourself a sense of humor. You'd think that they were talking about your son on here. We've all struggled in this industry. I think most people are just saying that he should have to pay his dues like everybody else. 20 year olds are supposed to be treated poorly. That's the way it goes, you've gotta earn respect.

The few guys who have treated me diferently bacause of my age are complete morons. Most seem to be upset that a young guys has achieved some sucess at a young age. I am not defending a cocky 23yr old but we all pay our dues and to have some *********************************** middle aged guy pissed off at his own failure give me crap is really not called for.

When they're hiring, Fedex also hires plenty of civilians too. My class was 40% civilian while others were 50/50.

Were they 2000TT civilians? No, but whether you and the other whiner want to admit it or not, everyone with common sense knows 2000 hours in an F/A-18 represents significantly more flying experience than an equivalent amount of civilian time.

Every other airline weighs mil time, especially fighter time, heavier than civilian time, THAT'S a fact, Mr. Whiner. After spending hours droning around the world on autopilot, blocked out with the engines shut down waiting for a wheels up time or a gate to park the jet, getting de-iced or just twiddling my thumbs in a conga line, I understand why. So, why should Fedex be any different?

Easy there Billy Badass!

Before you go spouting off at the mouth, know that I couldn't care less about the obvious bias of FedEx's hiring preference, no matter how justified you think it is. I don't give a $hit if they only hire 200TT guys straight out of a T-34. I just found it humorous how such a benign comment hit a particular nerve with you.

Be careful with your name calling.

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