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Fedex Disputed Pairings

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Yeah, needapayraise comes off a bit extreme or childish.

Here's an example:

Our 12yr captains make more than your 15yr captains and unlike you , we are going to get a DOUBLE digit pay raise.

well, my dady can woop your dadday.....;)
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Just talked to the SIG and he said that the Disputed pairing for Jan, (MEM-EWR-FRA) has gone away. Looks like we won this one.
Was flying yesterday and my Captain and I looked up the disputed pairings and tried to see who was flying them. We came across a Capt who flew this pairing in Nov with a carryover and is again flying this pairing on 2 Dec. Could not even believe it. I checked the NON Member list and he is a ALPA member, (WOW).
If anyone wants to know his name or employee # PM me.
FedEx said:
Just talked to the SIG and he said that the Disputed pairing for Jan, (MEM-EWR-FRA) has gone away. Looks like we won this one.
Was flying yesterday and my Captain and I looked up the disputed pairings and tried to see who was flying them. We came across a Capt who flew this pairing in Nov with a carryover and is again flying this pairing on 2 Dec. Could not even believe it. I checked the NON Member list and he is a ALPA member, (WOW).
If anyone wants to know his name or employee # PM me.

talk about childish...jeez, me and my captain...maybe the regional board would be more appropriate :)
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If you are a Fedex guy, you can look up who is flying those pairings without PMing anyone on flight info.....
FedEx said:
If anyone wants to know his name or employee # PM me.

What are we gonna do? Kneecap him? Send someone to pay him a little visit? Isn't there a way to address this issue besides acting like we're in junior high? Don't we have union reps for each employee block who can handle this one on one?
Well I wouldn't go up and pat him/her on the back, go to the cafateria for "breakfast" or spend anytime during a layover with someone like that. Far from beating up someone....I agree, this isn't junior high.

But I don't think it's okay to get buddy-buddy with the pilots screwing the efforts of the SIG , MEC, etc....
Deuce130 said:
What are we gonna do? Kneecap him? Send someone to pay him a little visit? Isn't there a way to address this issue besides acting like we're in junior high? Don't we have union reps for each employee block who can handle this one on one?

I vote for the kneecap option! But that's just me.:D
Your right we do have Union Reps for this stuff. I called the SIG today and asked him what he was doing about guys like this, and he said that they are trying to educate these guys. He told me to email the individual myself.
FedEx said:
He told me to email the individual myself.

No $hit. Really? Email them ourselves? If they want guys doing that, why are they making a stink about their names being put out on a list and hung up in the AOC. So a few names are put on the list that shouldn't be there. Call it "acceptable collateral damage".

I'd get a second opinion on that one before you start harassing guys over company email.

I did notice, this morning, that a few more of those trips are gone.:(

So, what's better for kneecapping? Wood or aluminum?

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