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Fedex Disputed Pairings

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FedEx ALPA is not to blame for your negotiating problems. Feel free to "raise the bar" as high as you can.

Sounds like you guys gave up commercial deadheads?
Never had them contracturally guaranteed to begin with. Rumor is that Fred is gonna charge you a pretty penny to keep yours.
hoya saxa said:
Excellent precision, not so much on the accuracy... FoxHunter is the one you're thinking of, not Fox3 (who mentioned negotiations):D


My appologies to Fox3. I can think of no greater insult then to be associated with FoxHunter.

I move to have my comments retracted from the record......

Taking shots at guys in the same lifeboat isn't good business. We are doing the best we can, just like you guys. Our MEC took a lot of input from the crew force on ways to improve Q of life. Pay RATES a small piece of the puzzle. Trip rigs, duty rigs, etc etc can tweak a lower pay rate into a higher W-2. I think you'll find our guys have researched this pretty well and are doing a good job. The 4 pillars of our next contract didn't come from Herndon, it came from surveys of the line pilots.

I think the last thing a negotiating committee needs during times like these is sniping from their own ranks. We get enough of that from FCIFs and emails from management.

The Brown pilots I know are a good lot and will be working hard to do what is best for you guys. Trust us that we are doing the same for our FDX brethren (and sistren!) If you really want FDX to get an industry leading contract, then walk out at Brown for a week or two--the fallout will cause both companies to consider the ramifications. However, don't goad us for pulling down "your" contract--I think the ball is in your own court there. We have enough on our hands with our own managment without having to make the IPA happy. We are trying to pull each other up here, not down.

PS--Fox 3 is a union member in good standing, but he DID fly a strike Eagle for a while despite being raised as a C model driver. I'm not sure I can be cool about that...
The problem is that the NMB knows that YOUR ALPA OPENER for pay is LESS than what UPS management currently has on the table and that will make it next to impossible to get anything more out of them.

needapayraise said:
The problem is that the NMB knows that YOUR ALPA OPENER for pay is LESS than what UPS management currently has on the table and that will make it next to impossible to get anything more out of them.

If your profile is correct, you've been in the civilian portion of this industry for qutie some time. If so, by now you should have learned it's always something else with management. You're simply taking the baitfish they've left for and run with it. If you want that money in your avtar, you guys will have to ignore the bs, keep putting forth comprehensive contract proposals with supporting number, and communicate much better than you have so far. In this environment, companies can drag negotiations out much longer than usual and the NMB will do nothing about it. Keeping the faith and remaining focused on the goals and not worrying about the interference management will always run is the only way it'll work. Or you can go to the regional board and spend all day arguing about how Mesa, SkyWest, Chautaqua, Pinnacle, etc have ruined your contract/life and feel at home.
Marko Ramius said:
If your profile is correct, you've been in the civilian portion of this industry for qutie some time. If so, by now you should have learned it's always something else with management. You're simply taking the baitfish they've left for and run with it. If you want that money in your avtar, you guys will have to ignore the bs, keep putting forth comprehensive contract proposals with supporting number, and communicate much better than you have so far. In this environment, companies can drag negotiations out much longer than usual and the NMB will do nothing about it. Keeping the faith and remaining focused on the goals and not worrying about the interference management will always run is the only way it'll work. Or you can go to the regional board and spend all day arguing about how Mesa, SkyWest, Chautaqua, Pinnacle, etc have ruined your contract/life and feel at home.

What you don't realize is that our NMB mediator has specifically mentioned FedEx ALPA's pay opener as a factor in OUR negotiations with UPS. The NMB is now questioning how the IPA can be asking for more pay when UPS has more on the table than what FedEx ALPA is even opening for. So you see, our talks are now intertwined with what FedEx is asking for and since they are asking for so little in the way of pay it's going to be very difficult to get much more pay out of UPS no matter what we do. OBTW, the chances of us getting released are slim at best.
Apology accepted

Echopapa said:
My appologies to Fox3. I can think of no greater insult then to be associated with FoxHunter.

I move to have my comments retracted from the record......

Apology accepted. Guess I better change the screen name to avoid confusion.
needapayraise said:
What you don't realize is that our NMB mediator has specifically mentioned FedEx ALPA's pay opener as a factor in OUR negotiations with UPS. The NMB is now questioning how the IPA can be asking for more pay when UPS has more on the table than what FedEx ALPA is even opening for. So you see, our talks are now intertwined with what FedEx is asking for and since they are asking for so little in the way of pay it's going to be very difficult to get much more pay out of UPS no matter what we do. OBTW, the chances of us getting released are slim at best.

Then have your negotiators get smart on the FedEx proposal and rebut this ridiculous angle from the NMB. They are cherry-picking the low hanging fruit to get to you guys early. Stick it to them by throwing all the changes in work-rules and minimum guarantees back in their face. Show them how the W-2 is affected, not just some arbitrary 'hourly' rate.

Also keep in mind that the NMB is against you from the start(I think you already knew this).

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