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FedEx Anc Move LOA

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capt_zman said:
Maybe if you had done your homework on "this period of prosperity", you would have seen that Fedex has been in "this period of prosperity" since the early 90's, and arguably since the early 80's. So tell me O Great One, when is the period of prosperity going to be over?

Based on all of your opinions and knowledge, did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

Just because you don't understand what I'm talking about doesn't mean I'm wrong.

As far as this period of prosperity...you could argue that, however, you would only be correct in hind-sight. In the 80's and 90's it was not clear, at least as far as the investment community was cocerned, how much of a market FEDEX would be able to make for itself. There were many people that believed that FEDEX's earnings would stagnate once they reached a certain level. They were obviously wrong.

Right now FEDEX is a mature company with very few people doubting their growth prospects.

Net Income 2001: 584.37
2002: 710.0
2003: 830.0
2004: 838.0
2005: 1449.0

Notice the recent acceleration of earnings. FEDEX earnings are expected to grow another 25% this fiscal year, and continue double digit growth as far out as projections go....hence my observation of "period of prosperity."

As far as when it will end...probably not in the next 5 years.

Anyway, my point with my post was that they know they have to give all of you more money...but they will try to delay it as long as possible.


igneousy2 said:
Just because you don't understand what I'm talking about doesn't mean I'm wrong.

As far as this period of prosperity...you could argue that, however, you would only be correct in hind-sight. In the 80's and 90's it was not clear, at least as far as the investment community was cocerned, how much of a market FEDEX would be able to make for itself. There were many people that believed that FEDEX's earnings would stagnate once they reached a certain level. They were obviously wrong.

Right now FEDEX is a mature company with very few people doubting their growth prospects.

Net Income 2001: 584.37
2002: 710.0
2003: 830.0
2004: 838.0
2005: 1449.0

Notice the recent acceleration of earnings. FEDEX earnings are expected to grow another 25% this fiscal year, and continue double digit growth as far out as projections go....hence my observation of "period of prosperity."

As far as when it will end...probably not in the next 5 years.

Anyway, my point with my post was that they know they have to give all of you more money...but they will try to delay it as long as possible.


And this relates to the FX LOA how? By the way do you work at FX?
MemTrash said:
I'm not sure why the Union would want to do anything without it being in a contract after two+ years. Wonder what the company would say to a Pay LOA or a Scope LOA?
I do trust the union guys, but I do not believe in doing anything quickly to help the company. I don't have to agree with everything the union does but overall I know they are working for us. I've voted NO for the every contract the union has proposed. I believe we have earned better than we have or probably will have. If this LOA was voted down perhaps the union would have a stronger bargining position I don't know(that is my hope), but I can't vote for something that helps the company when, from what the union says, the company is not dealing fairly with the union at the NMB.
Maybe I'm wrong but I just can't do it.

Maybe I'm missing something. How does this LOA help the company? Do you think if they put out a bid for 40-50 new ANC Captains no one would bite on them because we don't currently have a move package? If someone wants to be an MD-11 Captain, I doubt the absence of a relocation package would keep them from bidding ANC. I also don't see someone jumping on an ANC bid that they don't really care for just because a move package has been offered. I only see it as benefiting those that were planning on bidding for ANC regardless of the LOA, and that means...the crew-force.
TheBaron said:
Maybe I'm missing something. How does this LOA help the company? Do you think if they put out a bid for 40-50 new ANC Captains no one would bite on them because we don't currently have a move package? If someone wants to be an MD-11 Captain, I doubt the absence of a relocation package would keep them from bidding ANC. I also don't see someone jumping on an ANC bid that they don't really care for just because a move package has been offered. I only see it as benefiting those that were planning on bidding for ANC regardless of the LOA, and that means...the crew-force.

guys..lets be a little mature about this..if u trust the leadership and they feel this is a positive thing for the crewforce and approved it then i feel it is worthwhile..i voted for it...your negotiating committee is speaking to you..now listen...i have the sticker too...
Hey Captain Mark,
Maybe I wasn't clear...I voted "yes" because I think this does benefit the crew-force, not the company as some have implied. :)
The negotiation of this TA is separate from Section 6 negotiations. Voting 'NO' will not speed up negotiations. And that's really what we all want, right?? The only reason to vote against the TA is if you think we are leaving money on the table - specifically with the move package...if you think we can and should get more, then vote no. The MEC seems to think we left "very little" on the table. If this TA is approved, it will be assimilated into the new contract. It's kinda like reaping one of the benefits of the new contract before we get the contract as a whole. If you have no intention of moving to ANC, but you want to vote against this TA as a way to act out against the company...well, that's selfish. The company will just send people up North without it. There's a bunch of new hires, and others, that could really use the moving benefit.
TheBaron said:
Hey Captain Mark,
Maybe I wasn't clear...I voted "yes" because I think this does benefit the crew-force, not the company as some have implied. :)

sandman2122 said:
Then bid off it Einstein.

Hey thanks I never thought about that, you have solved my problems. Man you are smart. How could I have been so stupid?
Right after my 18 month freeze, but thanks for helping my dumb arse out. Perhaps we'll get a trip together (I see you are on the FiFi machine too) and you can fix all my problems!.... would have to be a long trip for that though.
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MemTrash said:
Hey thanks I never thought about that, you have solved my problems. Man you are smart. How could I have been so stupid?
Right after my 18 month freeze, but thanks for helping my dumb arse out. Perhaps we'll get a trip together (I see you are on the FiFi machine too) and you can fix all my problems!.... would have to be a long trip for that though.

guess u are glad u don't fly that POS MD-11...engines and cowlings are falling off all over the country...FIFI is doing just fine...enjoy all that wx tonight..if u need me i will be asleep with the wife recovering from 27 holes of golf today...tell the guys in the hub to keep it to a low roar..i need sleep..that 38hrs in SAN got to me!!!! fly safe memtrash!

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