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FedEx Anc Move LOA

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I'm normally a lurker but I have to give my "crewforce" input here. The way I interpret (after talking to my Union Rep) is this: If we never proposed the LOA and just turned down the Company's initial move offer, they would put newhires in ANC at no cost to the company. If we vote yes, we not only prevent newhires moving 2500 miles at their cost. We benefit many current pilots that want to move to ANC eventually and would've eventually done it on their own dime. OK, I'm one of the accused who wants to eventually move back North, so I have a dog in the fight.
I don't understand the mentality of "scr&w the company til we get a contract" when it only hurts members in the long run. I'm a big proponent of, "don't cut your nose off to spite your face." It seems like a lot of this comes down to pride and the illusion of sticking it to "the man". ( "But sir, your are the man! Maybe")
I think it's a small step towards incorporating a much needed item into the contract. It's the wrong time to look like the media's standard greedy pilots. Am I just a naive new guy?
Anyway, I voted YES.

First of all, I don't think this has anything to do with "Sticking it to the Man". It all has to do with Contract Negotiations... This LOA is a good thing. But, the company can not just Cherry Pick what sections it wants to send to us thru a LOA and hope we sign off on it. Put this LOA where it should be, IN THE NEW CONTRACT.
We all agree, that if the company wants a new contract, these negotiations would have been done months ago. So now they want a move package to ANC, and put out a LOA for us to sign off on. Lets say we sign off on this, then is it back to negotiations as they stand with the company dragging there feet for another two years. It is not sticking it to the man, its only business. Give us this LOA in a whole proposal, not in a individual section.
What we should send to the company and the media is, we want this LOA, but only in the form of a whole contract proposal.
Something to consider. If we vote NO, do you think the company would take the LOA to the NMB and use it against us saying we aren't negotiating in good faith? Possibly stalling negotiations even further. They are going to put the vacancies in the next bid for ANC with or without the LOA. I guess they think it may go a bit more senior with the LOA.

The only way to get the company to negotiate is to somehow hurt the stock price. In the last earnings call, one of the analysts asked point blank about negotiations and the company responded everything is going well. We need to do our informational picketing in Wall Street, in front of the largest instutional investors (ie Primecap, Barclays, etc.), etc. You get a couple of downgrades by the anaylsts citing potential pending labor problems, the company will be negotiating very quickly.
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MemTrash said:
Why not tell which way you voted?
I voted NO to send the union and the company the message we are ready for something to happen. Come on how did you doyz vote. Company or Crew force?

Just curious, in your opinion, since the union is endorsing this LOA, does that put the union on the company side or crew force side?
Just a point that no one has mentioned yet.

The move package section of the contract has ALREADY been TA'd. This means that the Company and our reps have already agreed to this section and it is staus quo with what we have now.

This LOA is an improvement to that TA'd section.

Just a thought,
active_herk said:
Just curious, in your opinion, since the union is endorsing this LOA, does that put the union on the company side or crew force side?

memtrash is a little confused..he has been east coast night hubturning all week while some us have had 38 hour layovers on the west coast...i voted yes..lets move on..
Just a suggestion to all of you that are trying to decide how to vote.

Why don't you call the MEC and talk to one of the committee guys or the officers or your block rep and get their take on this? If you have questions on what exactly is entailed in this LOA, ask the people who can get you the answers.
Past V1 makes a good point that all those yet to vote should consider.

Reopening negotiations on a previously TA'ed section makes No Sense. This can delay negotiations further and put the whole section back on the table. It appears that most of what remains are cornerstone issues. It doesn't make much sense to crawl back down into the underbrush now that we are finally climbing up the big trees.

The LOA is an improvement and should be taken in any way we can get it. Only the Company wins when we hold something that we want hostage for other items. This is a freebie and should have no bearing on Section 6.

Just an additional observation... 90% of contract gains are obtained in the last 10% of the talks. Check the negotiating history over the years, not just at FX. Getting to the end game is in our best interest and slowing things down only delays those improvements.
active_herk said:
Just curious, in your opinion, since the union is endorsing this LOA, does that put the union on the company side or crew force side?

I'm not sure why the Union would want to do anything without it being in a contract after two+ years. Wonder what the company would say to a Pay LOA or a Scope LOA?
I do trust the union guys, but I do not believe in doing anything quickly to help the company. I don't have to agree with everything the union does but overall I know they are working for us. I've voted NO for the every contract the union has proposed. I believe we have earned better than we have or probably will have. If this LOA was voted down perhaps the union would have a stronger bargining position I don't know(that is my hope), but I can't vote for something that helps the company when, from what the union says, the company is not dealing fairly with the union at the NMB.
Maybe I'm wrong but I just can't do it.
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CaptainMark said:
memtrash is a little confused..he has been east coast night hubturning all week while some us have had 38 hour layovers on the west coast...i voted yes..lets move on..

Brother you may be right, 102 in south Texas then 30 and snow in Maine, then back to the north east today then AZ tomorrow for some more heat. WTF?
This FiFi jet is going to kill me. Did I mention the bus sucks.

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