Yup, we all got panel of the 727. No other follow on slots were given out since a standing bid is due out soon that could change all that. The latest rumor is end of March for the bid. Back of the DC-10 or possibly right seat 727 could be in our futures...
Good news at last. Got the call yesterday from Kim Daniels for a Mar 18 class. She told me the class size would be 16. So it looks like the numbers are getting bigger. I also talked to a friend there yesterday and he said they were planning to hire around 220 for the year.
What travel priveleges do you guys have with other passenger airlines? Do you have agreements on discounts with airlies beside ID90 for family travel? Can families travel on Fedex planes?
Not alot of good news in this area. I believe the best deal we have are passes with Southwest that have a minimum charge (can't remember specifically the amount, I haven't used them). Most arrangements with other carriers are only ID 75 or worse. (75% off of full coach fares).
Regarding the company jumpseats (or what management now refers to as "courier seating"), you have to be a FedEx employee in order to use them. However, post 9/11, the seats can only be occupied by FedEx crewmembers, FedEx Dispatchers, FedEx Mechanics and a very few select other employees. Of course, the usual FAA inspectors can ride. The company is trying to work out the security details for reinstating regular FedEx employee flying privileges, but there are alot of unanswered issues........ Remember, Captain's Authority is the last word!
Sorry for the "not so rosy picture", but don't let these minor issues dissuade(sp) you from applying if you're interested. I used to have pass privileges on UAL and it was nice, but more often than not, it was a pain in the ars. Just buy some real tickets and you'll have a better chance at enjoying your travels!!
Kim just called to offer me a April 8 class. She says classes my get bigger and there is a possiblity of moving up to the Mar 18th class. Things are changing by the hour there. Here is my story:
App in July
Interview Oct 18
USAir furloughee Jan
See you in Memphis, sooooo long Wolf!!!!!!!!!!!
Just talked to Kim myself and got the same word. April 8th with the possibility of moving up to March 18th. Class sizes up to 16 and maybe bigger. Also had a buddy get an interview call yesterday to interview on March 25th. Things are good!!
My info:
App: Jan01
Interview: Oct 18-19
Kim called with great news for me as well. April 8th class, 16 in the class and this will clean out the pool. Some DC-10 panels available in this class also.
Now I need an airport car. Anybody Know where I could get an early 70s vintage AMC Pacer, or a lime green Gremlin would be nice too. One would also have to consider a 73 Ford Country Esquire wagon with wood paneling on the sides.
For you guys in class,
How is seniority determined within the class? I have heard of different methods based on your Social security #. I can only guess it goes highest to lowest because mine totals only 5. Not that it really matters, just curious.
Seniority is based upon the last four digits of your social security number. The highest number goes first. There's no addition envolved. A 9000 would go before a 1999. Congratulations to all that have been hired and good luck to all of those trying to get hired.
Hello everyone. Thanks for all of your posts in the past few weeks. I've been making a very difficult decision between SWA and Fed Ex. The thread titled Fed Ex versus SWA was outstanding! Thanks to HerkDriver, Profile, and all other "Posters". The information provided regarding the Fed Ex pool was excellent too.
After months of soul searching, I've decided to go with Fed Ex and will be in the April 8th class. As with some of you, Kim mentioned I have a chance to be in one of the March classes. However, since I haven't heard from her in the past 2 days, I'm assuming they decided not to plus up training classes to 16 per class until April.
Bottom line, I look forward to meeting those of you also in the April 8th class! The last four of my SSN starts with 2, so I'll be low man on the totem pole...somebody has to be, I guess.
On another note, I have a question I've been pondering... Since Fed Ex is opening an LA base, do you think Anchorage will cease or slow down operations?
Thanks, Race
App: Mar 1
Interview: Oct 17, 18
Class: Apr 8
First, the obligatory comment… you guys are great. I have been watching but not commenting for months now. The gouge is awesome. I have finally gotten to the point that I need to ask a question. I interview on March 18. Based on the comments by Beaver, do I understand that there is virtually no pool left? Would it be presumptuous to assume that the next several months of new hires will not have much of a wait between interview and class date?
And here are my obligatory stats:
Transitioning from the service March 15
Interview March 18 (sweet, huh)
Total time 4750
Mostly in fighters
Hey Phantom first,
I think your assumptions are all on target. Friend who interviewed in the last group in Oct is in the April 8th class so other then the Air Force guys who are stop-lossed (and I know there were at least 12 in the pool) I would say it is dry. I would guess that starting with the April 15th class they will fill from this years interviews. By the way Nice timing!
From your fingers to Fred Smiths ears!!!! The more the batter!
I don't know if I mentioned it in my previous post. I had spoken to Kim a few weeks ago and she said I would probably be in an April 8 class but she would try to get me in the Mar. 18 class. Last week she called me back and said I could have Mar. 18. She said the class had been increased to 12 and then 16. I interviewed Oct. 16-17 so I may have gotten the last spot in that class since Wozin8r interviewed the next day and to my knowledge hasn't gotten a call to move up to Mar. Also I think the pool is pretty drained. If not it will be soon at that rate of hiring. Kim said it looked like they would hire 200 or so this year(of course this is subject to change at anytime). Hopefully some more of you will get moved up to Mar. If not I guess we will run into each other a few weeks later. Good luck everyone.
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