Big difference, the sheepdog's mission is to protect the sheep not kiss the sheep's a$$. If a few sheep feel that their hoofs are being stepped on then so be it. Better to be a pissed off sheep then a dead sheep. The sheep may hate the sheep dogs intrusiveness but when the wolf comes, they run behind the sheepdog. At the end of the day the sheep rest easy knowing that the sheepdog is watching over and protecting them.
The wolf has one goal, kill the sheep using whatever means possible. The wolf was born to kill, trains to kill, wakes up in the morning thinking of killing and then kills without mercy. The only thing stopping him is the sheep dog.
So, my fellow sheep, let the f-ing sheepdogs do their job.
The wolf and the sheepdog are the same. They'll kill with whatever means possible. They're both born to kill, train to kill, wake up in the morning thinking of killing and then kill without mercy. The only difference is which side of the fence that dog chose to be on. Those who choose to be outside become wolves. Those who choose the inside become sheepdogs. In order to have the priveledge of living within the sheep's society with a license to kill, the sheepdog swears to abide by and uphold the laws of the sheep's society. To operate outside those standards, no matter how convenient it may be, makes the sheepdog into a wolf.
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