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Express Jet called

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Got a message from XJT last week about setting up an interview. I first sent them my resume ages ago and did that whole phone interview thing, and then they never got back to me. I submitted my resume and info again on expressjet.com again and nothing. Then I sent it in again in December and they call me now. WTF? Have they fixed the problems that I heard that they were having with Dawn Daniels? Can't say that I was very impressed...Luckily, I landed a job with a great company in January. Good luck to all you interviewees, aside from the problems that they have had with their hiring department, Expressjet is a great place to be.
I also got a call to fax in my resume. Any idea how long it takes to hear something back from when you fax a resume in? Has anyone gotten a call with under 1000/200? Any info would be appreciated.
Check this gang: yesterday I get a call from some foreign area code, answer, ask the caller to try back in five due to an elevator full of lawyers staring at me(knowing I'd lose the call on the way down), no return call so I *69 the #, on the other end is an auto from XTJ! needless to say I tried everything to get to a human but no, and no callback from XTJ. Any thoughts?(it's hard to sleep). Thanks.
Gator1999 said:
Have they fixed the problems that I heard that they were having with Dawn Daniels?

Well, This is just a rumor, so dont quote me. But a friend of mine who was interviewed on the 19th and starts class this monday said that someone told him that Dawn was fired and that Angela has taken her place. AGAIN, this is not confirmed, just hearsay. He didnt know that for a fact either.
Flying Biker said:
Well, This is just a rumor, so dont quote me. But a friend of mine who was interviewed on the 19th and starts class this monday said that someone told him that Dawn was fired and that Angela has taken her place. AGAIN, this is not confirmed, just hearsay. He didnt know that for a fact either.

Doubt that, probably just a rumor.......:)
Add me to the list of the called today...got a call from rachel to send in my resume by fax...and said they would call or email me if I qualified:)<<<<Crossing fingers
If they aren't interested you get the word pretty quick. I applied a couple days ago and got this e-mail this morning.

Thank you for your interest in a career with ExpressJet. At this time, we do not have opportunities available that match your experience and skills. However, if a position more closely suited to your background develops, we will be happy to review your qualifications at that time.
It sounds to me like they are just trying to get everyone's updated info to figure out who gets the interview and when.

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