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Emirates US Road Shows?

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I am helping them by challenging you and your info/credibility. You keep posting whatever you read and nothing about what you know. You cannot possibly know things being a DC-9 FO in Lome Togo. If you were an EK employee or Etihad or Qatar or had even interviewed at these places then you would be of great help! I will be the ugly little annoying dog nipping at your heals on your bicycle until you stop posting things of which you read elsewhere but post as first hand knowledge. You are not a help but a hinderance. How, I work for one of the so called top airlines. I do NOT post about other airlines because I do not actually know, except a little(very little) about Qatar. I have a friend who is an Airbus F/O. If people cannot find the info posted BY THE AIRLINES or employees or interviewees, then they have not done their research. Taking info from you would lead candidates in the wrong direction I believe. I know you don't like it and some others may not as well but I cannot sit back and not challenge something I see as wrong. I and many others have walked into road shows from EK and have received numeorus e-mails asking us to consider or come for an interview. ATPCliff there is no other reason that you are not getting called than you yourself. I maybe be bashing you, but I am trying to bash you into some sense. YOU ARE NOT LISTENING!
Ok ATPCliff I am going to try and help you and have PM'd you some info. Concentrate daniel son! I am going to stop bashing you if you listen to me. I will help you but you have to focus on you and not on what others are doing or going/want to do! Be selfish and once you get a good job you can help others.
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2 pm's now. Tomorrow I will offer you some advice here in the public forum for all to see/help. The info I PM you is FOR YOUR EYES ONLY OK?
Thanx for the help...now back to the latest from EK...
Ok ATPCliff here is what I think maybe holding you back. I belive being in Africa and flying an old DC-9 is actually hurting you. Why, because Africa is seen as a very unsafe operating environment. Standards and "training" do not really exsist (many crashes even amongst the big ailrines). At your age they may think you have or could become a "cowboy" meaning that you may have developed bad habits and could be untrainable. This is NOT a bashig. When you become a Captain say on the 9 or 80, it actually maybe worse believe it or not as now your are the boss making the bad decisions. The airlines you talk about EK, ET, QR know what goes on down in Africa. Flying broke airplanes into dangerous conditions and taking unnecessary chances. You are also not flying 121 and fly for a fly by night outfit which means you aren't being taken seriously. Think about it. Your competition is fierce also. You do have strong assests though and need to play on those. Air Force Desert Storm vet with 4 engine heavy time. You need to highlight those attributes.

So GET THE HELL OUT OF AFRICA! Go and fly for a 121 carrier even it is American Eagle. Get real quality training and especially on EFIS aircraft. I really think you should go back to USA JET. You were a Captain there no? I think you will upgrade there faster than Africa. I researched the outfit you fly for in Africa and I have to say whooaaaaaa nelly.

So those are my two cents. Trust me you will thank me later. Lome, Togo? Man alive!
Another PM ATPCliff. Please DO NOT give out those e-mails for Allegiant!

Have you been able to attend a road show for EK?
Ok ATPCliff here is what I think maybe holding you back. I belive being in Africa and flying an old DC-9 is actually hurting you. Why, because Africa is seen as a very unsafe operating environment. Standards and "training" do not really exsist (many crashes even amongst the big ailrines). At your age they may think you have or could become a "cowboy" meaning that you may have developed bad habits and could be untrainable. This is NOT a bashig. When you become a Captain say on the 9 or 80, it actually maybe worse believe it or not as now your are the boss making the bad decisions. The airlines you talk about EK, ET, QR know what goes on down in Africa. Flying broke airplanes into dangerous conditions and taking unnecessary chances. You are also not flying 121 and fly for a fly by night outfit which means you aren't being taken seriously. Think about it. Your competition is fierce also. You do have strong assests though and need to play on those. Air Force Desert Storm vet with 4 engine heavy time. You need to highlight those attributes.

So GET THE HELL OUT OF AFRICA! Go and fly for a 121 carrier even it is American Eagle. Get real quality training and especially on EFIS aircraft. I really think you should go back to USA JET. You were a Captain there no? I think you will upgrade there faster than Africa. I researched the outfit you fly for in Africa and I have to say whooaaaaaa nelly.

So those are my two cents. Trust me you will thank me later. Lome, Togo? Man alive!

Commander H.,

Not sure whats going on between you two. Its all a bit sad/weird (and appears chippy from your posts) for the guys looking for EK info.

That said you have admonished Cliff for posting authoritatively on EK eventhough he does not work with us.

Ironic then that you are providing advice on what experience EK considers valuable

With all due respect to Am. Eagle, dont for a minute think that EK look upon Africa jet experience poorly. We serve 19 (I think) destinations in Africa, and I can tell you its a lot more of a challenging environment than 121 ops in the US (where I once operated) We have many guys who have come from Africa flying and their experience is valuable.

But more importantly, the one asset that is dearly sought by EK HR is the adaptability of the candidate to the challenges of living in a unique cultural environment. Anyone who can hack it in Tome has a better chance of embracing Dubai than a guy who has spent his whole life living in Texas.

Pot calling the kettle?...Like you said leave the EK advice to the EK pilots.

Cliff, dont give up, keep pushing and good luck. Hopefully I'll buy you a beer in Madhouse (NBO) one of these days....as anyone who will dig deep inside and fly in Togo to pay the mortgage garners much respect from those of us fortunate enought to work in a better spot.



P.S. this is an anonymous forum. By mentioning his actual name you compromise everything that encourages the free flow of information here. The ultimate character flaw is outing someone on this forum regardless of your beef. Not good at all.
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