I didn't know how long it was, I just found that and I think ATP sucks and that is that. are you happy being a **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**ty cfi?
We're missing the point of the thread completely... it shouldn't be a debate on which is better but a review of the qualities of each program. Dueguard, if you do some searching here, you'll find indepth comments about all the programs. From what I've researched and read:
AllATP - excellent reviews from people who have attended & completed, should be a strong consideration
Sheble - mostly bad reviews from people who have attended & completed, really not a contender anymore, and should not be considered.
Airman - mixed reviews but mostly good from people who have attended and completed, should be considered
ADP - mixed reviews, mostly concerning safety, i.e. nickname "all dead pilots" probably should not be considered.
American Fliers - mixed reviews, mostly bad concerning high pressure sales, promises unfulfilled, and in orlando, a hostile working relationship with the local fsdo, probably should not be considered.
None of these schools guarantee a result, and all have experienced failure rates similar to national averages. Don't expect to be spoonfed at any of them... some require a pretest (AllATPS) which is an excellent level setting task, and some do absolutely nothing (Sheble & ADP). The biggest concern I have is falling through the cracks, and AllATP has show to me personally as to other reviewers that they track student performance very closely.
I just signed up for the Multi Engine rating and the complete CFI Program. I start multi on Jan 2 and CFI on Jan 17, its gonna be a busy new year... I am going to ATP after having gone private, instrument, commercial and 10 hours of multi at Delta Connection. ATP is definitely gonna save me a lot of money!
YA LOL thats about all I wanted to do, and I didnt want to go look for some other post I put to check it out so I just put alittle post so I can see it but anyway here it is again
Many people complain about the pace of training at ATP. I went through the career pilot program, instructed at the Manassas location for a year and a half and now fly for a regional. The "drinking from the hose" at ATP description is about right but it will prepare you for the experience you will have with an airline where the training is of the same intensity.
My old roommate went to ATP out in Riverside, Cali. He got CFI, II, MEI in two weeks time and forgot it all in about the same amount of time. My personal opinion is that 2 weeks is too short of a time to gain the required knowledge to be a CFI.
I showed him a write-up (gouge) that I made after I passed my CFI and he said he would have failed the oral after the 3rd question. He said his oral consisted of the ATP examiner asking questions to each candidate and when he ran out of questions, the whole group passed!
Nosehair made some good comments though: " ...one of the main things in life that you will learn, as an instructor, is that everyone is different.
What works for me may not work for you. soliciting information about a school is a smart thing to do"
ATP will do all 3 ratings for $4995 ($5995 if you don't have 15 multi PIC hours). they have schools all over - only 1 or 2 will do the 14 day accelerated CFI program though.
I see a lot of ALL ATPs bashing going on! Answer this: Do you see a lot of airline crashes, or instructors and students crashing in the NTSB reports, and then upon doing research finding out "oh he/she went to ALL ATPs"/......NOPE..there is no correlation of this what so ever. You could have the worst flight training in the world and still become an excellent pilot and instructor. Why? Experience! Once you get that it really does not matter THAT much how lousy or great your initial training was.
I went to ALL ATPs, got with a regional at 24, and have been happy since. Do you! But pilots are not crashing due to having gone the "accelerated training" route.
I havent seen a lot of ATP bashing, just one or two guys that probably couldnt hack getting 3 CFI tickets in 2 weeks. You pass the same FAA checkride as anyone else. As far as internet forums go (here and jetcareers) and the aviation world itself, ATP is a very reputable school. You dont see it getting bashed like DCA or RAA or some of the other highly expensive and unnecessary academies of which I have first hand experience. Im signed up for for the 4 day multi program and then the total CFI program for January. Since signing up with them I have been even more pleased with the way they do things- for the CFI program, they sent me a box full of almost every airplane PTS made, 2005 FARAIM, Av. Instructors Handbook, IFH, AFH, PHAK, C172 POH, their CFI program question booklet, PA44 training supplement, CFI oral exam guide and 3 ATP shirts, they would have sent me the PA44 POH but the printing factory is on backorder and they included a professional letter stating this, and that they would send one to me once they got them in stock (it dont matter because I have one already). Combined it has to be a value of somewhere between $200-250. And it was all included in the price of the program. Very nice.
ATP's CFI course is not a 2 week program. You have a fair amount of work to do before you show up for training. Speaking of the "CFI program training supplement" . . . does anyone have the answers to all the questions in this book on a word file they can send me? I would appreciate it.
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