But at least he will attend an interview with a well punctuated resume with no grammatical errors. Which is more than some on this thread may have. In regard to a "pilot mill", experience post graduation is more important, in my book. I knew a lot of people that went to a so called "pilot mill" and ended up flying beat up airplanes that resembled winged death. Comair, Purdu, Riddle- it doesn't matter where you got your training. What matters is what you bring to the table, post training. I'll take a "pilot miller" with a great attitude and standardized mentality over a clown from Joe's FBO that thinks he's got a leg up on everyone any day of the week. It's simple really- poor attitude= poor pilot.
It's to hard to say how the pilot miller does in the real world because hey I'm just a guy looking for a job. From what I hear they are a mixed bunch. I did my multi at a pilot mill and took it for what it was worth the fast way for me to get my multi so that I can actually go out and learn how to fly twins on my own. It taugh me how to pass the checkride. Do I feel confident in a twin well its been sometime since I flew one last I'm sure I could do it, but not that well. Now to have done all my training thru a pilot mill well that would be a problem. I don't believe in fast pace training enviroments. If you look at ATP websites all they preach is about we will get you to the job in 9 months etc etc. They need to educate the applicants that the industry is down instead of trying to saturate it more. I mean come on its a huge reason as to why the pay is crap. People will keep taking crap pay thinking that there will be a huge salary for them in the future. The whole grammer thing is overrated. Great he could BS his way through an interview I just did that on my last interview. When ******************** hits the fan Ill take the guy with stick and rudder skills not the guy with a grammer free resume.