Nope, only the pilots and dispatchers are unionized. They do not have the most responsibility. No employee in aviation has the "most" responsibility. All have equal responsibility.
Please don't stand on your soapbox and tell me that because a pilot operates the airplane they have the most responsibility. They only have legal responsibility during flight time.
Without every company employee standing behind them and being responsible for their own individual actions and responsibilities to do their job correctly, the airplane doesn't move an inch.
Every employee from the ramp agent to the fueler and up to the CEO and board have equal responsibility to ensure safety of flight.
Delta employees are leading the industry by once again showing that unions are not going to stand in the way of their job security or by interfering with policies and procedures that have historically made the company into what it is today.
I'm enjoying how the new voting rules backfired on the unions.
I'm enjoying the protection of not being fired at will for (insert something really stupid here), due to moronic management, like Da19 and the like. Our contract isnt great, but we just took a lot of dictator type power away from management.