I'd love to see more SWA in LGA.... It makes NO sense with your business model.... Start going into the real airports and see what happens... Your quick turns wont happen, ATC delays etc.... And then you will be bumping even more customers off planes and when the fines go up for bumping, which SWA has been showed to be the worst of all carriers with over selling, will have to start wondering why they made such a stupid move to move into a market that doesnt fit their model..... I mean after all there's a reason you are in BWI, MDW, HOU, DAL and not the real airports in those cities such as IAD, ORD, IAH, DFW..... Because those simply do not allow your company to do what they do best which is unload, load, and go flying.... A plane on the ground isnt making money... And SWA would be silly to change their model....
Bingo... we have a winner winner fried chicken dinner