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Delta to put ALL regional flying up for rebid

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Life's horrible at Skywest.... we're destroying the industry... oh no... Us regional pilots are our own worst enemies. Union or non-union, we all need to support each other. NOBODY at Skywest is happy about flying 90 seaters for 50 pay. That agreement was meant to secure our United flying at the time while competing against Mesa. Not to fly 90 seaters. Just for the record, I did vote that stupid thing down. We set a precendent and now we're hosed and I'm sorry it's putting pressure on the rest of the regionals. Generally, our pilot group thought that we'd get a split rate or higher blended rate after the 18 months. But we're not the evil Skywest who's goal it is to take down the rest of the industry. I'm on the fence with the union and have been for a while, but union or non-union, we need to get all of our pilots on the same page.

Hey, and if we're going to start comparing wages.... 5 year E-120 CA....

Average of 80 block hours a month... 109 Credit per month...

Grossing $54000 so far this year... on tap to make $81000...

Add another $4000 EACH for both IOE and bonuses... Plus a full month (75 hours) of vacation/user time earned since the beginning of the year.

Plus I've been on PBS for almost a year. Been treatin' me well so far.
scarlet said:
Skywest no better than Gojet guys.... Will you (skywest guys) fly ASA's aircraft and routes = YES.....no problem No ALPA--maybe ALPA national sure put Skywest pilots on the scab list like everyone on flightinfo wants Gojet pilots on the list.....but Gojet voted in representation....at least it was something.....

Let's put things into perspective. ASA was sold by a bankrupt airline. If Skywest hadn't bought them, who would have? Maybe Mesa...who knows? Would ASA prefered to enjoy what Delta did to Comair? I wouldn't think so. Skywest bought ASA to make money, and what Skywest decideds to do with their airplanes and their pilots is Skywests decision. It is convenient to forget that SLC used to be all Skywest flying, but our routes got cut when Comair, then ASA started to fly through SLC. Did Skywest pilots bitch and moan? I don't think that we did. Now that the tables have turned and we get to do SLC flying again, guys like you call us scabs and yourselves marters for a cause. Nice.
By the way, last month I blocked 55 hours, and had a few deadheads. I picked up one day of Jr Man pay, and was credited over 118 hours. It is posible to work the system and make out like a bandit at Skywest. I even ended up with 15 non-flying days in a 31 day month.
Nindiri said:
You people work too much. :eek:

I don't even like to work 60 block hours a month.

Nobody likes to work more than 60 hours a month.... but come on, let's be realistic here. I've got a California mortgage to pay and a kid to send to college one day. Hey, who knows, if the union is voted in then maybe I can make 90 bucks an hour to fly the Brasilia!
Dude, I think he is tellin the truth. I'm in my 2nd year here and on pace to make about 46k-48k this year. I average 13 or 14 days off a month

I wasn't arguing about the money he's making. I made $52K in my second year at Comair without picking up extra flying, 14-16 days off. That was two years ago, so I don't think making that much now is something to brag about, nor does it put you at the top.

I was skeptical about the amount of credit hrs he's getting compared to block. Are your flights that far under blocked that you make 20 hrs extra per month or do you have some secret rig?

Disclaimer: Due to the undercutting of our group, the resulting loss of flying to lower paid pilots, and the decision of my fellow pilots to vote away my pay to keep up with the Skywest, Chautauqua, and Mesas of the world, I will make less this year than I did two years ago, so I am not bragging either.
Turbine Pilot said:
How do you think awac (now USAir) took flying from mesa (now United)? It was a fair trade get over it. We were displaced just like they were.
Your company is part of the reason AWAC was displaced, they were flying for United for 20+ years and were owned by United at one point... for some reason I feel very little simpathy displacing your flying after your company was the reason our 20+ year flying was displaced. Oh, and I am sure that 99% of the pilots here would LOVE to switch back.
Some Skywest weenie was mouthing off about his 2nd year W2. Well at AWAC mine was $40k and that was before the payraise we got this year, with the another to come in Oct.

This game is not about hourly pay rates, it's about work rules.

So what's going on with the Delta flying rebid? Anybody know anything? This stuff is hysterical, Skywest is lowering the bar...Mesaba is lowering the bar...Mesa is lowering the bar. Comair is having the bar lowered on it. ASA can't reach the bar. Boy I have heard more pilots talking about bars...with obviously not enough of them at a BAR. Guys, relax. The folks that are lowering the bars is management! Now we all know that we probably took the job from the first place that hired us...so stop pointing fingers! My paycheck is bigger than yours is so very funny...

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