Because disputing something once just isn't enough, disputing twice makes more sense.
While two groups already have their DOH as the date they started their pilot class date, yet another dispute is taking place because Pinnacle is getting their pilot class date as DOH. Bloch's request of 'date of hire (seniority date)' has ticked off the same old people, who are outraged Pinnacle pilots might be considered hired on their class date (seniority) as opposed to the day they passed their sim ride. Amazingly classy XJ! Before any XJ pilot (bri5150, xjhawk especially) throws mud at 9E pilots, consider the real source of why the list is being held up: because a *certain* group just can't get over themselves, and accept that all 3 pilot groups should be at a level playing field with their pilot class date as their DOH. And you people are arrogant enough to believe you will win negotiations? Lets see, Mesaba is currently trying to destroy Pinnacle in the SLI process by screwing us out of 2-3 months seniority, while they get their class date as DOH, they are trying to force us to use our sim date. Gee, thanks! I can't wait to vote your guys in!
Your merger committee has dug their grave as far as unity is concerned on the 9E side of things.
Good job, truly classless.
Good job, truly classless.