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Death To America

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LJDRVR said:
You "Kill the muslims" types are sheep. It's so easy to have that sentiment, I've said it myself before in frustration.

But here's the problem: Most of our nuclear weapons are strategic. They offer no deterence because this is assymetrical warfare and our enemies know we can't use them. We do posses tactical nukes, but how do you arm-chair politicians suggest we use those? On US cities? That's where the terrorists are. Here's a quiz: The recently foiled terror plot in the UK was perpetrated by whom? British-born citizens. You folks calling for profiling based on race need to take a look at the photographs released so far.

So, let's say we nuke Iran tommorow. If we do, how long til the war with China starts? Answer: that day.

You guys are advocating excessive use of force when we haven't even used sufficient conventional force yet. Our government knows exactly where OBL is. We're not taking him out because of political considerations with the Pakistanis and Chinese.:nuts:

It's time you started demanding better leadership in our own government instead of crying for mass destruction elswhere.

One last thing: How many of you "This is WWIII" types have served or are serving?

I thought so.

First off, since you foolishly believe that only people who have served have the right to comment, let me state that I spent 11 years active duty. I will humor you even further by stating I've flown missions over Bosnia/Kosovo (ahhh those were good times) and then in both OEF and OIF. I believe that we are in a world war and that we are the right side of things. So now that I have passed your litmus I would like to comment on your "We know where OBL is but won't get him cause of China and Pakistan" nonsense. You sir need to put on a brand new pair of Nike running shoes, drink some special fruit punch, drape a purple cloth over your head and take a nice long nap on a bunk bed becuase your asteroid is rounding Saturn's third moon and should be here by the end of next week. Wouldn't want you to miss it.

While I don't have access to National Security briefs and don't have a lick of proof, I am quite certain that we don't know where OBL is. It's absurd to think otherwise. Let's see, W's approval rating is in the dumpster (and he hates black people), the Dems want the heads of Cheney, Rummey and Connie, the war is a mess, not to mention that there are 3000 dead Americans... and yet according to you, we know exactly where OBL (the source of all W's misery) is, but it's being kept a secret so we don't go after him and upset China and Pakistan. Makes sense to me... where is my purple cloth?

Even if OBL was hiding under Putin's presidental palace in Moscow, I am quite confident that W would send some special forces in there to get him.
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Yup. That video is pretty frightening. Mostly due to the extreme view that those people seemed to have about Americans.

Almost as scary as the comments I hear from some Americans about how all Muslims are bad and need to be "taken out".

Sad, very sad.
LJdrvr---I did 28 yrs 19 days. 300 hrs combat or combat support. I have been retired 4 yrs but I would be glad to strap one on, one more time and go over and pull the trigger. I would imagine though I would be stealing the fun of plenty of our warriors still serving.
brainhurts said:
Its pretty obvious you are an idiot. Your habit of equating 240 years ago to now on the subjects of "blacks" is pretty much a tactic of the weak minded. It really appears you know you have lost your argument already, and are throwing out worthless tidbits to take the debate out of focus. My low I.Q. is making it hard to understand your foreign language english. I am sure there were people in Great Britan who thought Washington was a "terrorist", but even by today's standard, you would have to agree that there is nothing in Washington's past having to do with cutting off peoples heads or killing 3000 civilians with a few airplanes. I do not hate the people my wonderful leaders suported with weapons and training. I spent a number of years of my life arming and training them. I want them to have freedom and peace, you want them to have Jihad. That is what you hate about America. It represents the freedom you hate. In your world, you want the Mullas and Shira law to rule based on the flawed and reconstructed Koran. I want people to choose their own religion based on the benifits the religion provides. In other words I want a world where the religions compete to gain followers. You want to shove your religion on us at the point of a sword. I hide nothing in my religion. Take it or leave it. Welcome to my church. Try it out. If it works for you, great--if not, peace be with you. How about yours? I seem to remember that it is death to convert to any other religion in your country. Why is that? Can't your religion compete? Why am I arguing with you? You are not an airline pilot, you are a fanitic islamofacisist, and you do not get laid because you smell and your only hope of sex is with your houris or 72 virgins. My advice is to try a new God.

240 years?? how about not even being classified as human until the civil rights act of 1969?

shove a religion on others? Isnt that what Christianity has been doing since Christ died and continues to do now by demanding they post Christian documents in public places and subscribe to Christian ideals like gay people are the devil?

Good try about the "your religion" nonsense. Heres a shocker, I'm jewish, idiot. I just see blind hate when it looks right at me. Grow up and learn history instead of making the same mistakes
Oh-ryan said:
Even if OBL was hiding under Putin's presidental palace in Moscow, I am quite confident that W would send some special forces in there to get him.

W doesnt care about OBL anymore, hes said that multiple times. Also his family and OBLs family go way back, there is no way he would do such a thing.
scoreboard said:
You guys kill me, go back sticking you butt in the air with your head in the sand, continue to let better men AND women than you do the important job of keeping this country safe for you and your offspring, so you can be who you are, a pacifist hypocritical liberal sucking on the very tit of success you complain about.

these are the military types who show their ignorance. "better" men and women, "keeping this country safe" jeebus do you do shots of coolaid or are you a coolaid bong type of guy?

you are sucking on the tit of our tax dollars while you run around pretending youre doing anything but making more enemies and bankrupting the nation
6 million jews just rolled over in their graves when you declared your religion...
stearnst said:
Some of the most generous, brilliant, caring people I ever met were Muslim, Middle Eastern Iraqis, Saudis, and Lebanese, and it sickens me to hear Americans sit on their self-proclaimed pedestal and say things like "F'em, nuke 'em all." Anytime I hear of a suicide bombing or shelling or etc. I just hope and pray that none of the friends that I have made over there were victims, and remember how ashamed they were of their own countrymen when catastrophe struck. To lump an entire religion or ethnic group into one class and label it as one fit for mass execution is what sickens me. It's a complete and utter mess in that region of the world right now, and I am glad I have absolutely no say in what route any of the countries take in rectifying it, but I am even more ecstatic that none of you who post here will either.

Flame on...

Ok Mr,
I lived in Iran in the 70's, did a tour in the Persian Gulf anf instructed these wonderful dumb a$$e$ in our US Navies Flight school. You couldn't be more wrong, they treat women like objects, have no respect for anyone, even themselves. They are complete peices of garbage. In Iran they marked the homes of all Americans with red paint, after their precious Ayotolah took over they had make and bluejean police, any woman seen wearing such EVIL things waas rounded up and NEVER EVER seen again. In Pensacola they were regulars at all the strip clubs, and one was even arrested masturbating in the parking lot at a local junior college.

I say again that these clowns are complete scum and I agree get them out of our country!
brainhurts said:
Why are you even posting here? I thought you were "running away" from this industry?
Time to get out.
posted by PunchtheClown:
Alright, I've given this a lot of thought. Its time for me to leave this industry. This career has turned into the equivlent of a dead end job and its not worth it for me anymore.

I know many of you do other things instead or in addition to flying. All I have done ever is fly, my whole career path has been based on it. So I'm asking for some ideas of what some of you have done. I've got a baby on the way and there is no way to support a child on FO wages at a regional, especially when you work for a company where isnt and never will be an upgrade. Its sickening to me to think that an entry level TSA screener makes more then I do!



I am pretty sure I advised you that as a loser in the first place you should become a hack for the Democratic Party and then you could have a shot of making love to Cindy Sheehan. But as someone leaving this industry, why don't you take your America hating bull$hit over to Barbarastreisand.com and talk about your issues with others that hate the US?

Let me ask you something. Have you always been a jerk or have you had to work at it? You do nothing but insult anyone who disagrees with you and anyone who happens to be liberal must hate America. Let me let you in on something, that point of view you have is totally unamerican. It is your right to voice your opinion just as it is for anyone else. Lots of us on here disagree with each other but you dont see each other them refering to each other as America haters or baby killers.

I read that you served our country. Thank you for your service and protecting my right to have an opinion that differs from yours. Why don't you allow other people to voice their opinions without insulting them? There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with us but please do so in a mature and professional manner.

As far as me being a "loser" and "running away" from this industry? You once again show your lack of character. What makes me a loser for wanting to change professions for the good of my family? How is that running away? I'm not running away from anything. I've simply decided that what I wanted out of life has changed. I no longer care to be away from home half the time and living out of a suitcase. I love to fly and I always will but as a primary income (if you can call it that) I no longer wish to do it. You'll notice that if you go back and read that thread you were the only one who threw out insults. Why is that?

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