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Craig Ferguson Show Last Night: Slams CAL, Praises DAL

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Craig slamed RJ's that are shame of this industry, not particular airline.

I am thankful for that!

How are RJ's the shame of the industry? I'm not merely saying that because I fly one. Sometimes a city pairing is perfect for an RJ because they're too far apart to be served by a prop and the demand is not there for them to use an airbus/boeing aircraft. It's called "horses for courses".

They are definitely used too widely and on city pairings they have no business being on, not many would argue with that. IMO BNA-IAH is not one of those pairings. Don't slam RJ's as some sort of scourge to the industry, they're as necessary to every airline as just about any other aircraft type.
The incoming CEO responded with a canned response he has been sending to all who sent the clip and shared their thoughts.

Seems like the new Captain of this ship is lost in the fog...he doesn't see a problem at all.

"Regarding the youtube clip, I’m not sure that anything was done wrong here. The comedian was traveling from BNA to LAX with a connection through IAH. The BNA flight (which is an RJ) was oversold and he volunteered to get off. The agent found him alternate protection on OA through STL, but he felt the layover time was too long. He doesn’t say anything about the agent not being courteous, or a lack of options. Remember, he volunteered to get off and was no doubt compensated for doing so.

Thanks for all you do for CO.

Best wishes for the holidays,

Don't slam RJ's as some sort of scourge to the industry, they're as necessary to every airline as just about any other aircraft type.[/QUOTE]

Let SWA know.
i would be perfectly happy flying a 50 seat aircraft at a major, like the convair 240, 340 and 440's that united, cal, delta and pretty much every other major used back in the day. but those planes were small props and were left behind when the jets took over. somebody has to have service to frickin' ithica, ny and that is where the rj steps in. other than that, scope issues and economics are the reason that i have to fly phl-clt or phl-bos with a regional paycheck vs a legacy paycheck. is there a legacy that even operates aircraft with less than 100 seats anymore?
How are RJ's the shame of the industry? I'm not merely saying that because I fly one. Sometimes a city pairing is perfect for an RJ because they're too far apart to be served by a prop and the demand is not there for them to use an airbus/boeing aircraft. It's called "horses for courses".

They are definitely used too widely and on city pairings they have no business being on, not many would argue with that. IMO BNA-IAH is not one of those pairings. Don't slam RJ's as some sort of scourge to the industry, they're as necessary to every airline as just about any other aircraft type.

They are the shame of the industry b/c of the outsourcing. I'll fly a 172 if my management decides that's the tool for the job. But seniority only works with one list per company. Separate lists competing for flying within one company has been a disaster for us.

I don't have fuselage envy- if the numbers worked out and my company wanted to operate "RJ's" exclusively- knock yourself out. My job is to fly the airplanes my company wants to fly, how they want them flown.
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Well of course he is an entertainer, I don't think he would disagree with you at all. The sad thing is your discription also fits people like Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh, yet some people actually think they are journalists!

Did not take long for the tree hugger to compare the late night talk show host with Fox news. There is a reason that they are the number one news station out there right now. Your left wing news channels won't even report on the BS that is going on right now. Your messiah is losing credibility faster then any president in history. You congressional cronies are trying to ram bills down our throat without even reading them.
Did not take long for the tree hugger to compare the late night talk show host with Fox news. There is a reason that they are the number one news station out there right now. Your left wing news channels won't even report on the BS that is going on right now. Your messiah is losing credibility faster then any president in history. You congressional cronies are trying to ram bills down our throat without even reading them.

The incoming CEO responded with a canned response he has been sending to all who sent the clip and shared their thoughts.

Seems like the new Captain of this ship is lost in the fog...he doesn't see a problem at all.

"Regarding the youtube clip, I’m not sure that anything was done wrong here. The comedian was traveling from BNA to LAX with a connection through IAH. The BNA flight (which is an RJ) was oversold and he volunteered to get off. The agent found him alternate protection on OA through STL, but he felt the layover time was too long. He doesn’t say anything about the agent not being courteous, or a lack of options. Remember, he volunteered to get off and was no doubt compensated for doing so.

Thanks for all you do for CO.

Best wishes for the holidays,



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