They are slowly recapturing it.
?????? The first jobs DALPA let leave the property were 19 seat turboprops. Then 30 seat turbo props. Then 70 seat turbo props. Then 50 seat jets. Next it was 76 seat jets.
DALPA keeps giving away jobs. They have yet to turn the corner and 'recapture' anything.
The only carriers that have 'held the line' have been SWAPA and CAL - before they joined ALPA. NW pilots struck largely over scope in '98 - to the tune of almost 1 Billion in cash costs for NW before it settled. They held scope to a small number of 50 seat jets and an even smaller number of 'grandfathered' AVRO's.
Are you going to let your former NW brothers show you how to walk the line this time? They've done it seven times in their history. How many times has DALPA demonstrated that resolve? Zero. Keep in mind both carriers have histories that stretch back to the 1930's.
That being said scope isn't the big threat to your career. Emirates is. They are after your wide body jobs - and are taking them at an increasing rate. How much trans Atlantic flying is Delta and its partners pulling down? Have you looked at Emirates expansion? In the mean time until you decide to include regional pilots in your plans you will make no progress keeping your wide body jobs.
The irony is the regional jobs you want to eliminate will put pilots on the street that will take wideboby jobs at Emirates. Widebody jobs that are yours now.