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Right on!

Were you people drunk during the conference call? Slowing upgrades? Just for Jan 8 in Feb and Mikey was all over the expansion rumors. Two cities in March maybe some of that regions air flying and Contenential in Cleveland. Sounds very promising to me. Brink also said anyone in the May jun July class of last year expect short notice for upgrade. All points towards nice expansion. They are cool on captains for now still need Fo's. I think we will see some nice movement come early spring.

I heard the same call as you, Bro. I'm with ya!

You peeps out there that are gettin on the negative vibes band wagon about slowing transitions and upgrades had better think it thru. I see serious expansion coming soon. Upgrading and transitions will occur sooner than you think. The expansion plans from the Kremlin I guarantee you will put our beloved little puddle jumper airline in a great position for even more expansion in the years to come, provided of course their plan stays the course.

Godfather predicts....

Colgan gets Regions Air WV EAS stuff from PKB, CKB, MGW to IAD on United...unless Continental sweetens the deal to do it with CAL to CLE with more routes from CLE...all Saab of course or maybe something bigger?

3-4 Beeches will be gone by April 07....replaced by Saabs. HYA, HPN, AOO, SHD on the hit list.

Those other 7 Saabs Mikey talked about will be Colgan Planes in 07 with 2 of those 7 replacing the 2 A's still here.

No year end/Xmas bonus...bottom line won't support it this year. I say they end up breaking even for 06 with all the expenses and fuel costs incurred and let's not forget CASS...that should be bonus enough. That was some major expense right there just for us.

Upgrades and transitions will be a frenzy starting in Feb 07. Also there will be more FOs leaving for greener pastures too unless 2nd year F.O. pay is raised to at least $25-27/hr for both Beech and Saab. Let's make it worth their while to stay.

Bigger Planes in the future? Anything can happen.....

Merry Christmas!!!
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Were you people drunk during the conference call? Slowing upgrades? Just for Jan 8 in Feb and Mikey was all over the expansion rumors. Two cities in March maybe some of that regions air flying and Contenential in Cleveland. Sounds very promising to me. Brink also said anyone in the May jun July class of last year expect short notice for upgrade. All points towards nice expansion. They are cool on captains for now still need Fo's. I think we will see some nice movement come early spring.

Exactly...January is historically a slow month *anywhere* in *any* field for hiring, etc. 8 upgrades in Februrary is a good thing, people. It's positive they have the 3 new planes; I think they are just fine-tuning plans for the other 7 before they sign on the dotted line.

I'll throw in my hat and say SHD or HPN would be the first Beech base to switch to Saab. All the Beeches are leased on a 30-day basis, so they can get rid of them at any time. I think things will be rolling along as far as new planes, upgrades, etc., shortly.


P.S. Anyone know which base new Saab upgrades/transitions are going these days??
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In terms of replacing Beeches....let me say this...believe it when you see it, and only then. They told us they were going to get rid of the C model Beeches (anyone remember those?? I sure do) for the longest time....and it only happened in March of 05. Took 5 years.....

Sorry dude have to call you out on that one.

Let's pretend there are four guys with 2500 hours total time and 1500 hours of Turbine SIC at Colgan. If there are two Beech FOs who are number 123, 124 in seniority and two Saab FOs who are 145, 146, AND they are getting rid of the Beech, the Beech FOs should have the opportunity to upgrade AS SAAB CAPTAINS AHEAD OF THE SAAB FOs. Take a look at any other airline out there, if you are an FO and want to bid as Captain on another airplane they fly, if you can hold that bid, then you have the opportunity to bid it as Captain. DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME IN THE AIRPLANE. The Saab is not the Space Shuttle, furthermore in the past year two FOs on the Beech did not make it through upgrade. The Saab FOs have had as many as three in one class not make it through upgrade.

Regardless it will work its way out. Yes it does stink to be one of those guys looking to upgrade soon on the Beech, however I would MUCH rather be at a company that is adding airplanes and fills a niche market, than getting rid of them.

Furthermore, second and third year pay FO pay should be increased ACROSS THE BOARD.

Luckily that won't be a problem because there are only a couple of Beech FO's that are that senior. I agree completely about the expanding niche market and also about the pay. GOOD LUCK though.

Saab... Space Shuttle??? Um Yeah!!!
Exactly...January is historically a slow month *anywhere* in *any* field for hiring, etc. 8 upgrades in Februrary is a good thing, people. It's positive they have the 3 new planes; I think they are just fine-tuning plans for the other 7 before they sign on the dotted line.

I'll throw in my hat and say SHD or HPN would be the first Beech base to switch to Saab. All the Beeches are leased on a 30-day basis, so they can get rid of them at any time. I think things will be rolling along as far as new planes, upgrades, etc., shortly.


P.S. Anyone know which base new Saab upgrades/transitions are going these days??

Snaab is wise.

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