It is not prohibited at PDT by any means, i wouldn't even go so far as to say 'not encouraged'. Really there just isnt need for the use of reverse thrust on the smaller dash models, the 'disc' section pretty much removes all forward thrust, the ground spoilers/wheel brakes take care of the rest.
That said I've seen it used plenty of times, some ppl think it saves on brake wear, some people just use it every time even if they dont need it at all.
This goes back to a certain department (don't want to blame a hyper check airman when I don't have the facts) saying that reverse is hard on the engine mounts, therefore they don't want you using it.
I had a cap spend most of a ROA-CLT leg in the POH looking for that restriction after I used reverse going into ROA. He never found it.
I figure if they didn't want you using it, they wouldn't put it on there....