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Colgan Fatigue Policy

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***I do not work for Colgan***
Saw this on another forum. Though it would be worth posting here given the recent scrutiny on regionals, especially Colgan, and crew rest (or lack thereof).

Beginning immediately, fatigue calls will not be accepted:

1. If the crewmember has had a period of at least 12 hours rest prior to the start of the duty day.*
2. If the crewmember is returning from days off.
3. For future or downline flights. That is, a crewmember cannot declare “I’m going to be fatigued on my next flight”, or “I’m calling in fatigue for tomorrow”.

CNN would love to get their hands on this. what a joke and what a ********************ty company to work for....period.
3 pages of pilots saying that someone should send this to the media, so, has anyone actually done it???
Found on the net:

The Washington Post
1150 15th St. NW
Washington, DC 20071

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(These numbers can be used to reach a Washington Post reporter or staff member)

[email protected]

Washington FSDO
13873 Park Center Road
Suite 475
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: (703) 230-7664 Fax: (703) 230-7720
If you call in fatigued for that I would say your an idiot. That is a family emergency, not a fatigue call and should be treated accordingly. Its those kind of fatigue calls that kill it for everybody else. Call in with what was going on, not something else.

Obviously you're not an ALPA rep, because I have had two ALPA reps tell me to call in fatigued for that exact reason.
Uh oh, I guess YOU'RE the idiot!
I have spoken to different pilots, ranging from CFI's, airline pilots, and military pilots. They all told me the same thing during my training. If you are sick or have the flu before your scheduled to fly, call the organization you work for before you report for flight duty and simply say you are sick. The same goes for emergencys. What constitutes being tired vs. being fatigued?
Obviously you're not an ALPA rep, because I have had two ALPA reps tell me to call in fatigued for that exact reason.
Uh oh, I guess YOU'RE the idiot!

First off, I am not going to discuss my status as an ALPA rep.

They were wrong, that is simply not a fatigue call. That is a family emergency. The reason you were fatigued was because you had a family emergency. So the call should have been "I have a family emergency, I wont be making it in". A fatigue call is the wrong call and I dont see how you can see that it should be a fatigue call. I just cant see a meeting with the CPO going well when they ask why you were fatigued and you say "I had a family emergency" and they ask, "well why didnt you call in and say that, instead you lied". Ya see my point in why I think its a bad idea to call in fatigued for what you called in for?

I am sorry that your ALPA reps told you to do that, but, IMO they were wrong. But if they were willing to back you on it what the ******************** do I care, im not your ALPA rep. ALPA reps tell guys wrong info all the time, it sucks, but it happens.

I have never ever had an ALPA rep tell me to call in fatigued, I dont believe they are supposed to do that. They can tell you things like "well, your the only one who knows how you feel" and "dont fly fatigued", but I am pretty sure they will not tell you to call in fatigued because they are not somebody who is trained to determine if you are fatigued or not.
First off, I am not going to discuss my status as an ALPA rep.

They were wrong, that is simply not a fatigue call. That is a family emergency. The reason you were fatigued was because you had a family emergency. So the call should have been "I have a family emergency, I wont be making it in". A fatigue call is the wrong call and I dont see how you can see that it should be a fatigue call. I just cant see a meeting with the CPO going well when they ask why you were fatigued and you say "I had a family emergency" and they ask, "well why didnt you call in and say that, instead you lied". Ya see my point in why I think its a bad idea to call in fatigued for what you called in for?

I am sorry that your ALPA reps told you to do that, but, IMO they were wrong. But if they were willing to back you on it what the ******************** do I care, im not your ALPA rep. ALPA reps tell guys wrong info all the time, it sucks, but it happens.

I have never ever had an ALPA rep tell me to call in fatigued, I dont believe they are supposed to do that. They can tell you things like "well, your the only one who knows how you feel" and "dont fly fatigued", but I am pretty sure they will not tell you to call in fatigued because they are not somebody who is trained to determine if you are fatigued or not.

Every airline and management group is going to want this situation handled differently. Crew schedulers generally don't understand "family emergency". You've got to be more basic with them. Fatigue, sick, or unfit are all fine initial claims to get scheduling off your back. Follow up with a visit to your base management when time permits and work it out from there.
Every airline and management group is going to want this situation handled differently. Crew schedulers generally don't understand "family emergency". You've got to be more basic with them. Fatigue, sick, or unfit are all fine initial claims to get scheduling off your back. Follow up with a visit to your base management when time permits and work it out from there.

If that is the call that it takes to get out of going on your trip and then get it sorted later I can get on board with that, but to claim that what this person called in fatigued for was an actual fatigue event is crap IMO.

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