I think its time that management and pilots starting working closer together to save jobs. From postings I have read NetJets Union and management have come up with many money saving ideas to save jobs and prevent furloughs.
Perhaps one idea at CitationShares (and please dont flame me for this) is for all pilots AND MANGEMENT to take a 5 percent pay cut. If you multiply that over 300 some pilots plus management staff you might be able to save more than a few jobs. Certainly buyouts are a nice idea, but its better to keep guys working earning (a little less) then have guys totally out of work. It would be the ultimate expression of teamwork in tough times.
I would rather work for a bit less than have my buddies out on the street, especially these days.
Of course this isnt the only idea, just a trail balloon to get things rolling. Obviously other ideas could be presented, but this would have an immediate effect.
Its time we all work together rather than sitting here flaming each other.
Unfortunately, The President shares your view, and is eroding the very system that has produced more for hundreds of millions, simultaneously, than any other civilization.
If this idea worked so well we'd all be on little boats floating toward Cuba.
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