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Cirrus crash in Charlotte

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Airshares Elite was the owner according to aero-news.net.
Terrible - RIP. There seem to be a lot of Cirrus crashes lately - and I know that Cirrus aircraft numbers continue to increase (perhaps the proportion of crashes to total aircraft is not as alarming?).

Any speculation as to why so many Cirrus crashes have happened? Don't think it is a design flaw - pilot error or poor pilot judegement I would suspect. Do you think the pilots are not trained well enough (low timers flying advanced aircraft) or that they are "pushing the envelope" with a false sense of security with the parachute? I know that aircraft crash every day somewhere in the US and we don't necessarily hear about the Cessnas and Pipers that go down. Such a nice aircraft...
The Cirrus is a high performance single that is slippery and accelerates quickly. When flown properly it is a very safe plane.

Unfortunately, Cirrus' marketing folks have made a BIG mistake by selling it as an airplane that is "safe for anyone to fly"...It is not.

It requires experience and good training, just like any similar aircraft. Having the money to plunk down on a $450,000 toy does not mean one is sharp enough to fly it.

The parachute (BRS) is a great safety feature, but it can encourage some folks to take chances "because they can always bail out", that they wouldn't take without it. Icing? No problem. If we get iced up, we'll pull the chute. VMC into IMC? No problem, we can pop the chute. Marginal approach into a marginal airport? No problem, we have the BRS.

Word on the street is that initial insurance premiums are running $1500/mo. After building sufficient time, they drop "down to" $13,000/yr. That should tell you something about what the insurance companies think about Cirrus.

Great airplane...great opportunity for fools to fly where angels fear to go.

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