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Cirrus crash in Charlotte

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Too much HEAT

I'v been outta the mud with G-Spot for so long that I hesitate to take the plunge again, but I'm so glad that somebody else noticed just how callous, unprofessional and downright LOW that post was a few days back! No sympathy for a fellow pilot who died doing something we all do; no empathy for the family of a man who will never again walk through the door; no curiousity about what went wrong so others could avoid the same mistake, if indeed he made one. Just an EAGERNESS to look for SATSAir to have an incident so he could strut around and say "I told you so!" And the funny thing is---if he wouldn't have had his arse handed to him before he even took his checkride he'd have been on their dime and flying their planes---and do you think then he'd have been in such a hurry to mouth such crap about the plane? Maybe...maybe not. Having met the...gentleman (yuk) I'm not sure that he isn't so stupid as to bite the hand that feeds him! Actually, if I recollect rightly---that's a lot of the reason he got handed his walking papers!

Back to the subject---G-Spot you stinking piece of dung---if you can't say something decent in honor of a dead fellow aviator, keep your trap shut. There's enough mess in the world today---we don't need you making any more for us to step in! RIP to a fellow aviator who flies in a different place now.

There is an ol'saying" If you cannot stand the heat,then get out of the kitchen".So dude this is my advice to you,also get the bleach out of your Kool-aid,but hey IF you want to be a Kool-aid drinker then go ahead with your bad self,be another Jim Jones if you want to,it is still a free country,for now.

As for what I said,all I did was make an inquiry as to what happened,so get over it, dude!!!!!!!!
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And G-Force wonders why he can't keep a flying job. :rolleyes:

A hint John ... it's your prize-winning personality and the fact that you're a little unbalanced. Seriously. You got 'issues', man.
Flywrite and Skip,

I gotta take issue with you guys prodding G-spot unnecessarily. Had you said nothing, his inappropriate post would have been quickly forgotten and this thread would have ended. Instead, you've goaded him into turning this thread into another pi$$ing contest like the SilverH-smack-down threads. Clearly, arguing with G-spot is like wrestling a pig in the mud... after a while you realize the pig enjoys it. Lets now leave this thread be and ignore these posts. We all know what his agenda is.

Now with that said... where's my Kool-Aid???
Is this poster a sad little person who cant let go of his experience at SATSair?

G-Force, anyone familiar with your posts about SATSair can problably figure out that you were hoping it was a SATSair aircraft so you could say 'I told you so'.

If you were a stronger reader you would be able to find out for yourself that it wasnt a SATSair aircraft and save yourself from coming across as a dick once again.

Well said. I find it astonishing how some pilots would deviate from the actual post and hope for something else entirely. I mean...does it really matter who flew it, what company owned it, etc.

The guy is dead; yet Cirrus involved. What I am more interested in if Cirrus is really training the pilots well. I have flown Cirrus' and it's a beautiful plane to fly. It's an instrument-pilot's dream in actual instrument. Just read the NTSB post on this...this guy was all over the approach. There's something terribly wrong with his knowledge of systems and flight skills...otherwise, the plane flies the approach itself...all you need is manage power/airspeed.

My two cents.

I truly believe that Cirrus marketing department has advertised this plane for people who are not yet ready to fly this...and also the Cirrus training program is woefully inadequate. FAA should look in to some sort of mandatory training program for this airplane.

Any thoughts?
I actually thought that the cirrus training i recieved in Duluth was more than adaquate. However, im sure very junior pilots dont get much out of it and forget what the instructor told them the minute they leave. And i agree, beautiful IFR airplane when used correctly.
Too much Kool-aid

Flywrite and Skip,

I gotta take issue with you guys prodding G-spot unnecessarily. Had you said nothing, his inappropriate post would have been quickly forgotten and this thread would have ended. Instead, you've goaded him into turning this thread into another pi$$ing contest like the SilverH-smack-down threads. Clearly, arguing with G-spot is like wrestling a pig in the mud... after a while you realize the pig enjoys it. Lets now leave this thread be and ignore these posts. We all know what his agenda is.

Now with that said... where's my Kool-Aid???

Bottoms up on the Kool-aid,Dude,and FlyingSkip also, bottoms up!!! also chase it with a little
Bleach,that should clean the pallet!!!!
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I agree that the aircraft flies great and really is a good platform. In addition, the training offered and required by insurance companies seems adequate. I think that the aircraft may be so good, it leads to over confidence of people flying it. We all set personal limitations. With expanded capabilities they tend to go up. I think people are flying these things where experienced people would not .
From Airshares Elite Website:

CEAT™ - The proprietary Cirrus Energy Absorbing Technology (CEAT) integrated into each Cirrus seat protects occupants in emergency landing conditions by absorbing energy equivalent to 26g's vertically and 19g's horizontally.

Interesting. I believe this is a FAR requirement under Part 23. Just as a host of other arsenine statements about safety on their website. Guess Charllotte's trees and terrain are of the 30/20+ G types. With marketing like this (reference another poster) you could walk away from anything in this pencil-lead contraption.

I am curious. Anyone know if it was an instructor/salesman or a client flying?

Lots of other goodies @ http://www.airshareselite.com

No Air Carrier Certificate for any of the management or holdings listed on the site. Looks like a near SATSair 134.5/91.9995 operation.

I checked out this site. Looks like an interesting program.
G-Force Kool Aid server

Bottoms up on the Kool-aid,Dude,and FlyingSkip also, bottoms up!!! also chase it with a little
Bleach,that should clean the pallet!!!!

Considering the fact that you are The Kool-Aid Server, I'd sooner puke on you than take a drink from you. :smash:
The Cirrus is a high performance single that is slippery and accelerates quickly. When flown properly it is a very safe plane
Hmm, has the sound of an MU-2 thread. :rolleyes:

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