I might get myself in serious trouble, but this is a serious question and I would like a serious answer. Why are people jumping all over this guy for saying he dosen't care if he gets paid? I mean what if he flies because, horrors, he actually loves to fly. Sure it is hard to get a job at 250 hours, but why jump all over the guy for asking. I don't know if all of you that are jumping on him are headed for or are in the airlines. It seems like the airlines are a tough business: no job security, always uncertainty about the financial status of the industry, security and safety issues, seniority, etc... It makes sense that working under those conditions would be tough and you would get very upset with anybody that "rocks the boat." But please, don't ever forget that we are extremely priviledged to be able to fly. We get to do what most people can only dream about. I've got to say, that is one thing that really turned me away from pursuing an airline career. All I would hear around the airports and in forums were current or former airline pilots complaining about how bad they had it. It seemed like they had lost their love of flying and all of a sudden it had become a job instead of a passion. I took one look at that and said, "No way, I don't want that." Yes, I understand the need to make a living, and yes, this guy should not sell himself short, but just don't chew him out for making that statement. Sorry, I've rambled enough and I'll get off my soapbox. I just feel that pilots need to be more grateful for the opportunities that they do have, whether it is instructing or flying a 747.