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Big cabin airplane impressions

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HMR said:
Legacy captains will gladly work for $50K per year. Think of the money you'd save!


Beggars can't be choosers my man. I work for what they pay me until I pad my resume' enough to make demands later in life. :p
Gulfstream 200 said:
be nice HMR. you just dont understand the Legacy, heck, bet you never flew one...


I've never flown a G200 or G-IV thus I am in no position to comment on how noisy or "uncomfortable" it is...just as you are in no position to comment on how noisy or "uncomfortable" a Legacy is as you've never flown one.

Focus my boy focus.
Gulfstream 200 said:

I take back everything I said in the past....

you are WAY overpaid at 53K.


Actually I make more than $53K now. :)

Still not the $90K you think we're worth, but...

My airplane is a good airplane. I'm not ashamed (obviously) to stick up for it. It has its good points and its bad points. I am objective enough to admit that.
G100driver said:
The EX with the P&W climbs right through it. It has NEVER been an issue. Our climb will slow to 1000/fpm at FL280 with wings and engines on at MTOW, but that is about it.
I was hoping someone was going to mention that. Falcon dumped the GEs, and that was one of the smartest things they could have done. They're strapped on the 7X as well. I can't think of 1 Honeywell/Garrett powered aircraft that will outclimb (in or out of its class) a Pratt equipped jet. An Encore will outclimb (onspeed) a 45XR all day long as well as a FA50 or 900 (straight or EX). For those doing it, I wouldn't be so quick to cast aside a P&W 2000EX/DX.
fokkerjet said:
You don't need to fly Gulfstreams and Falcons at LRC to get max range?

Yeah, but LRC is essentially .80 on those planes. Remember, the G's and the DA's have highly optimised supercritical wings designed to operate at high mach numbers.
LegacyDriver said:
I've never flown a G200 or G-IV thus I am in no position to comment on how noisy or "uncomfortable" it is...just as you are in no position to comment on how noisy or "uncomfortable" a Legacy is as you've never flown one.

Focus my boy focus.

LD, did you eat paint as a kid?

you didnt get any of this. It was a joke, nobody is honestly comparing that farkin thing to anything here. It was a joke.

focus, LD, focus. Maybe you outta strap on that David Clark more than 10% of the time, that noise and vibration is gettin' to you!

PS - good to hear you got a raise. good news.

Gulfstream 200 said:
LD, did you eat paint as a kid?

you didnt get any of this. It was a joke, nobody is honestly comparing that farkin thing to anything here. It was a joke.

focus, LD, focus. Maybe you outta strap on that David Clark more than 10% of the time, that noise and vibration is gettin' to you!


I always assume you guys are joking and pulling my chain, BUT..............

There are some people who read this stuff and take it seriously. I gotta' stick up for my ride, yo! :p

Thanks on the raise. Wasn't as much as I deserve dangit. LOL! :)
LegacyDriver said:
Having never flown one.... What are the downsides to the 900 ? Is the 731 really that bad?

Two words:

Carbon Seals

ya know, since yanking that 731 core out of the DC-10 APU, you'd have thought Garrett would have figured it out by now.

Glad to see Marcel finally dumping the Garrett on their entire product line.

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