I would have some dignity
I'd start your campaign with your fellow ASA pilots.
Posted from another place:
Just finished a flight from MDW-DTW. A non-rev ASA pilot was sitting behind me. During boarding he decided to take the opportunity to check in with his mother...always a nice thing to do.
The gentleman was kind enough to be speaking so loud everyone around him could share in his conversation. Of note:
1. ASA "does not have enough employees" to operate their summer schedule.
2. Pilots are not answering the phone when ASA calls them to pick up extra routes. To do so would "send the message that they can get away with understaffing us."
3. A couple of weeks ago half of the ASA FAs did not get their direct deposit payroll. ASA had to cut manual checks and mail them to the employee's homes. Seems this pilot thinks this was done intentionally and that "they would never do that to the pilots be we have a strong union and we'd sue them immediately."
While I fully support this gentleman's right to express his frustrations with his employer, I'm struck by the stupidity of doing so with a plane full of your customers. Are people so stupid that they honestly think that others can't hear their conversations and just because they're in street clothes we can't figure out they work for the airline.
Yet another fine example of ASA and their employees demonstrating why they have earned the reputation they have.