for example my friend was the monkey radio for 9.0 hrs yesterday and and out of those hrs he was only allowed to fly .5 tell me is thats a lot of BULLI guess I am trying to understand what the big deal is here. Not trying to flame.
If the Avantair FOs fly all of the empty legs or repositioning flights, wouldn't that still add up to maybe a leg or two per day? Sure, that's not ideal because you would want the flexibility to fly the aircraft when you want but still not too bad considering you are training on the aircraft - somebody has to man the radios... If upgrade time is running at 1-2 years, you wouldn't have to wait too long to fly the majority of the flights - right? I guess as long as I would be flying most of the empty legs or repositioning flights I personally would be OK with it so long as the upgrade time was not too long (I could compensate with more than enough legs when I upgrade to PIC).
I guess I am surprised that many FOs would be so upset as to consider quitting in the near term given the relatively quick upgrade time... What is the ugrade time running nowadays?