when i got hired at ASA many moons ago, i remember similar rhetoric coming from Comair.. some of you guys really need to know where you work. We do NOT have the same leverage as Delta, etc pilots... we just dont... and never will. understanding that, and little dose of the real world would be great for some of you ..
i enjoy ASA, i stayed here for a reason. I dont expect 22 days off, duty/trip rigs of 7 hours and $3 an hour per diem..i dont know. Maybe my experience in corporate finance before i came here made me too rational. I learned long ago, that when your company makes money, you have a job.
I never said I, nor the union, are expecting anything crazy from this contract. I personally am not a 50% raise with 8 weeks vacation, no PBS, etc... guy. I do expect reasonable gains in all areas(of my contract) since I am not interested in a concessionary contract in any way. I will look at PBS as an overall part of the contract and decide for myself if what is being proposed works. I will work under what I am currently working under before I will work under a concessionary contract. So looking at your contract and "reasonable gains" would possibly be concessionary to our contract. So what we think of as "reasonable gains" would to a lot of the LASA guys be ridiculous demands, but in reality its not much better than what we have now.
We do have guys that are stuck on one aspect of the contract and refuse to even think beyond that, I will admit that. Its a good thing those guys dont represent the pilot group at the table and they are probably less than 1% of our total pilots. Most guys I fly with are interested in seeing the total package not just pay rates, or not just PBS, or not just vacation. The guys advocating so hard against one thing either wont vote at all or when the time comes will vote yes for what they have been rallying against and then will still be vocal against it. I cant find a single guy who voted yes to our pay cuts in 2008, but it passed.
Like I said, I honestly dont know what the hangup is(I have my suspicions), but for the company to try an end run around finishing negotiations and getting an SLI done so they can move people around is absolutely ridiculous in my book and I am glad MY union said no.