FL990 said:my understanding is that skywest continues to increase there flying with United. I was under the impressions that is what there new hires were for.
Anyway...Its laughable to even suggest that there will be a staple to the bottom of the list.
What advantage does that give to skywest....oh yeah, heres an idea, lets demote a bunch of qualified captains and pay training to upgrade a bunch of FO's. No...furthermore, what recourse action do skywest pilots have to advocate this...a strike...oh wait, they don't have a union. But, ASA does and what we will want is a fair integration...fair to both Skywest and ASA pilot...anything less and I can guarantee we will ALL WALK...Then, skywest is left with an airline and planes...but NO PILOTS.
YOU will guarantee you all WILL WALK? More tuff guy talk, put down the beer and go to bed.