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ASA PBS = No more CDO's

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Complain as much as you want, but this is not due to PBS.

The BIG issue is that prior to PBS your company carried the responsibility of constructing decent lines for you. Now with PBS, it is your responsibility to construct lines out of the ever worsening pairings being produced by the company. If your schedule doesn't turn out, the company can now point the finger at you and the parameters that you put into PBS. There is NO incentive for the company to produce decent pairings like they had to prior to PBS. It is an aweful system. Trust me, I dealt with PBS for quite a few years at SkyWest and know what I am talking about.
That email from JP makes me want to lose it,
"Thank you for your patience and for your continued efforts to run a safe, high-quality operation"

I think the quality of the operation should directly reflective of our quality of life. No more CI, A14, D0, etc. I've just lost any motivation to come to work and give 100%.
That email from JP makes me want to lose it,
"Thank you for your patience and for your continued efforts to run a safe, high-quality operation"

I think the quality of the operation should directly reflective of our quality of life. No more CI, A14, D0, etc. I've just lost any motivation to come to work and give 100%.

yep, door closed BUT brake STILL ON! No favors no mo! lets see where we fall on the next 'on time, most improved' listing
Thanks for making the pairings the miserable trips I've seen to date Papalooser! the idea of flying my schedule next month is already giving me IBS.
That email from JP makes me want to lose it,
"Thank you for your patience and for your continued efforts to run a safe, high-quality operation"

I think the quality of the operation should directly reflective of our quality of life. No more CI, A14, D0, etc. I've just lost any motivation to come to work and give 100%.

I've lost my motivation to come in and give 20%....

-Let the wheels come off the bus. Maybe that will raise the right eyebrows.
I don't remember an email from JP that didn't make me want to burn the place down. His BS killed me for the last few years on reserve and now this? Done. I liked PBS, but if this is the game, I'm done.

The credit window low is 67. Hardly anyone will get min days off. Everyone will be at min guarantee yes but if you set your personal credit threshold at 60 your schedule will be complete once you hit 67. Most should be able to get 13-15 days off.

I do agree we need trip rigs though

BTW, you learn how to bid yet?

We will see... I would suspect only the really top people, and those who "know how to bid" will see 13 to 15 days off. It will be hard to complete a schedule with such crap.

-I would venture a guess that I know how to bid as well as most. I would also venture a guess that folks will really, really get pissed when they see the results of this run. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the relatively small number of trips with acceptable credit will result in a lot of folks who will have no chair when the music stops.

-Fly safe, and stay thirsty, my friends.

The credit window low is 67. Hardly anyone will get min days off. Everyone will be at min guarantee yes but if you set your personal credit threshold at 60 your schedule will be complete once you hit 67. Most should be able to get 13-15 days off.

I do agree we need trip rigs though

BTW, you learn how to bid yet?

Thats not entirely true....

You cannot just look at the bottom of the window...you have to look at what they need on average for each pilot to fly to cover there block hours. They lowered the window to 67 hrs, but the TLV is at 90 hrs. If everyone puts in 67 hrs, they will have to start ignoring the personal threshold in order to award all the flying, otherwise, they will get to the end and have no pilots left and TONS of trips. So, your simple math equation is simplistically correct, but applicably wrong.

If they need 80 hours per pilot on average, it is going to be very difficult to get this result given the pairing structure. Honestly, I think that this could really bite them in the butt when its all said and done... The big question is what do they need from each pilot (average) to make it work. I don't know the answer to that...but, I do know that even if its relatively low, many many people are going to be working more days for less money...and its not the "fault" of PBS, its the fault of ASA!
Thats not entirely true....

You cannot just look at the bottom of the window...you have to look at what they need on average for each pilot to fly to cover there block hours. They lowered the window to 67 hrs, but the TLV is at 90 hrs. If everyone puts in 67 hrs, they will have to start ignoring the personal threshold in order to award all the flying, otherwise, they will get to the end and have no pilots left and TONS of trips. So, your simple math equation is simplistically correct, but applicably wrong.

If they need 80 hours per pilot on average, it is going to be very difficult to get this result given the pairing structure. Honestly, I think that this could really bite them in the butt when its all said and done... The big question is what do they need from each pilot (average) to make it work. I don't know the answer to that...but, I do know that even if its relatively low, many many people are going to be working more days for less money...and its not the "fault" of PBS, its the fault of ASA!

Your points are valid, but the blame lies elsewhere. This agreement was sold to us as something it clearly isn't, and ASA never sold it to us.

We all should have known that our company would take full advantage of this agreement. Unfortunately, those who chose to sell this to us were very creative in their interpretation of how this would work, and many of us trusted them implicitly.

-We sure should have looked before we leapt. PBS with no trip rigs or pairing construction controls will be suicidal for our QOL. I think many of us would rather have gone on strike than have such a poorly designed agreement with virtually no meaningful protections rammed down our throats. If March is any sign of things to come, we all may as well be on reserve again.

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