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ASA PBS = No more CDO's

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I have run into several senior guys who have written Brad Holt, Pappagiorgio and CC'd Charlie, and others. We need 1700 emails sent out over the weekend.

A few said that they can consider this their 90 day notice if this is the future. I agree....You can have it. This is not worth it anymore..

PS. Good luck in the next hiring cycle attracting pilots to this "super regional" We are the new Mesa....congratulations MGMT, well played.
hmmm, where does it say CDOs are mandatory? It does look like the company's attempt at a variety of trips is being overlooked and the union isn't appearing to be too vocal about it.

Personally, I think CDOs are an invaluable tool to keep the system on time when there are IROP days or mechanical delays, particularly in the summer time. However, everyone knows that the company hates the compensation for them. In the old contract, you'd fly 30 hours and get paid for 75-80 (underblock) and now with the duty rig, they pay a lot better. It looks like the bean counters really are running the show now...
Could it possibly be that the road shows and PBS salespitches were done when the use of the 200 was vastly different than today?

It has been said several time PBS is a delivery method, not a pairing generator. The trouble is with the trips not the way they are handed out. They are two different issues.

Finally, also pointed out before, the company's definition of efficient and the pilots' definition are diametrically opposed and will never be the same. We want four 24hr 3-days a month They want everyone to get 75 hrs credit for as close to 75 hrs
of work as they can get. The two groups will never see eye to eye it is no different in any other business. We feel like we are special but the fact is every industry is squeezing more productivity out of labor. that is why the economy is growing (rather anemically) and the unemployment rate is remaining constant. The regional airlines are not special it is just where we have a front row seat to see it all happen.
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well, 2 issues with the above statement. The company is making their decisions from numbers on paper. they are theoretical efficiencies / savings...overlooking the true cost of happy employees vs unhappy employees. Performance bonuses, fuel burns, mtc cost, just to name a few.

I don't believe the pilot group at ASA is asking for the moon. Decent pay, and a decent schedule. I think we as a group have been very fair and VERY tolerant of the company with there under-staffing issues. Our union guys have bent over backwards to give the company what they want.

My second issue is how efficient are we willing to get? Would it not be more efficient for the company to pay captains the same as the f/0s...or what if we all worked for the same pay as the flight attendants??? Boy, that would be super efficient for the company.

Our quality of life should not be on the table!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our quality of life should be just the cost of doing business. Find your savings elsewhere.

How about those stock grants Brad gets? FKASA. If the F/O farts in the cockpit...I'm writing it up!
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I love how you rant in your posts about people "not educating themselves" on your system..."why don't you educate yourselves..."...etc. Then, when someone asks a question, you make them go dig for the answer! lol

To put it bluntly, I have read your posts before and knew your position...and you are wrong. You do not gain flexibility by your open time process...and in the end, the slate you start with is a preconstructed line. Mine is blank...clean! I can customize my schedule from the beginning. The only advantage you have over us in this regard is the add pay concept...which will most likely be a victim of this upcoming contract. It is a dying concept in the industry, and is already dead at the regional level, so far as I know, except for you guys...which just means you were the last to give it up...congratulations on holding the line...lets move on....

The reality is companies are putting all there eggs in the basket of avoiding paying for something that they aren't getting (ie, paying a guy 90 hrs when he actually flew 50) This is THERE definition of inefficiency.

Sorry, I didn't have anytime earlier when I posted that.

We can say for sure that in either system not everyone gets what they want. In our system, before the lines become final, for ANYONE who didn't get that pairing(s) they wanted, they can trade, drop, pickup from pairings that were dropped from others (including the sweet trips from the senior folks) because of transition, FAR, contractual, vacation, training, etc. These conflicts is what creates 1, 2, and 3 day pairings that did NOT exist before that EVERYONE can trade or pick up in the ILIW who were not senior enough to get one on the "front end." Also, the company is required to put all but 6-8 days above coverage at the beginning of the ILIW. So when all those days are at +4 coverage, people can drop trips down to 60 hours. Its also dynamic in that as people pick up trips, the coverage goes up and allows someone else to drop. In our system, even if you didn't end up with one or more trips or days you needed/wanted off, you can improve your line in that 24 hour period before it becomes final. Once the window closes, whatever trips are left over are used to make relief/conversion lines. Once we are in the SLIW, we can drop, pickup, trade, and bad day worse day with the little open time that is left over (its more than your 1.5%).

If you want max days off or max pay for vacation, it seems that both of our systems do that. But with our system, if you change your mind during your vacation week for whatever reason, we can pick up a trip and its add pay. In our system, if you have training, they just replace a trip (you can request which trip) with your training event and pay protect you for the original value of your trip.

So in our system, you bid for what you want on the front end as well. But if you happen to be number 2 or below and don't get exactly what you want, you can improve your line before it becomes final.

Yeah, and we can also advertise our trips or portions of our trips and our reserves can pick up open time during the APW.

Maybe your line bidding was worse than your current PBS. But just as your PBS is different from anyone else PBS, our line bidding system is different from your old line bidding system as well. Until you can improve your line, in the manner that we can (drop, trade, move trips, add days off, drop to 60 hours, pickup 1,2,3 day trips that didn't exist in the initial pairing construction, etc), after PBS awards your schedule and BEFORE its final, I will firmly beleive that our system is better and more flexible than your current PBS.

Then maybe they should consider how expensive it is to continue keeping Skywest separate.

Bingo!!! Thats exactly what I've been saying! Until they decided to save the costs of running two separate airlines with two sets of managements, then they can go pound sand!

well, 2 issues with the above statement. The company is making their decisions from numbers on paper. they are theoretical efficiencies / savings...overlooking the true cost of happy employees vs unhappy employees. Performance bonuses, fuel burns, mtc cost, just to name a few.

I don't believe the pilot group at ASA is asking for the moon. Decent pay, and a decent schedule. I think we as a group have been very fair and VERY tolerant of the company with there under-staffing issues. Our union guys have bent over backwards to give the company what they want.

My second issue is how efficient are we willing to get? Would it not be more efficient for the company to pay captains the same as the f/0s...or what if we all worked for the same pay as the flight attendants??? Boy, that would be super efficient for the company.

Our quality of life should not be on the table!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our quality of life should be just the cost of doing business. Find your savings elsewhere.

How about those stock grants Brad gets? FKASA. If the F/O farts in the cockpit...I'm writing it up!

Finally!!! Someone who gets it!
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yeh having inefficient RJ200s a management decision, not de pilots problem, get some mo 700s and park the 200s, and leave my qol alone willya BH
As a reminder to everyone:

The procedure for releasing the parking brake is specific. You release the parking brake when the aircraft is ready for pushback. That means all cargo bins closed, all doors closed, the flight attendents ready for taxi and acars numbers returned. I know in the past everyone's been anxious to get the main door closed and release the brake to get that D zero on record. However, everyone should follow the policy as written to avoid discipline by the company.

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