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ASA merger Rumor?

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You want Compass to get E195s? What are you, nuts? I want out of the regionals to a better life. You sound like you are a loser with no college degree who knows he can't get better. I can't wait to leave guys like you in the dust! Adios LLLLLLOOOOOOSER!

With that kind of attitude, you are a shoe-in for Delta!!! A$$hole.
If they do pick up another airline, I see them operating it seperately just like they do with ASA and SKYW.
You want Compass to get E195s? What are you, nuts? I want out of the regionals to a better life. You sound like you are a loser with no college degree who knows he can't get better. I can't wait to leave guys like you in the dust! Adios LLLLLLOOOOOOSER!

I completely agree. It's just sad that regionals pilots have become so desperate that even the possibility of flying 100 seat rjs makes their mouth water. They can't get enough of their dirty CRJs getting paid low wages, they want to do it in a 100 seater. Prostitutes is one word that come to mind. Pretty sad.
with little opportunity to move on lately, I don't think it's unreasonable to desire better paying equipment. Some of us are getting to the point that starting over is not worth it but we'll keep trying. In the end, it's become a terrible career choice.
It's possible that with the consolidation and possible liquidation at the legacies, the best future opportunities might be growth of existing smaller airlines that have cash in the bank, lower debt ratios and less overall baggage.

Indy and Midway and some others tried and failed. RAH is in a tricky position if they lose their existing contracts. But if there are fewer legacies there is less resistence to future expansion of smaller airlines. Most of us would rather go to legacy carriers, but now we have to be open other options, as well. The times, they are a-changin'.
Screw the flow and screw Delta, im headed to United baby! The new biggest airline in the world - Delta is so yesterdays news.
You may just get the jets in an award. That way the flow dies with the certificate. Who knows, but they have always wanted to sell cps. Awarding the jets without the certificate would allow them to alter the FFD deals with the existing 76 airframes.

Just an idea.
You may just get the jets in an award. That way the flow dies with the certificate. Who knows, but they have always wanted to sell cps. Awarding the jets without the certificate would allow them to alter the FFD deals with the existing 76 airframes.

Just an idea.

ASA getting EMB175s? That'll be the day..
Got word from a source that the union head honchos were in a meeting at A-Tech today. Supposedly there will be an announcement by Friday evening.

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