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ASA merger Rumor?

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here is the new combine retirement list as of may 1st. posted on delta net

2010 -3
11 - 8
12 - 19
13 - 102
14 - 162
15 - 224
16 - 301
17 - 360
18 - 456
19 - 538
20 - 624
21 - 807
22 - 860
23 - 812
24 - 810
25 - 714
26 - 618

Continued decrease from there
Those numbers are for 65.

That CPS flow is going to start bringing pilots in very shortly. They will be flowing for a good bit before one off the street hire gets a class. (That is the plan to date, so it can change) That said, you will see Mesaba and CPS flows this year with off the street after that.

65 MD-90's It will be an overall net gain. 9's and older 88's will be parked as they come up for heavy checks.

Look for another order in 18-36 months. We may also be looking at new to us jets.

I would say that getting the CPS flow deal for you would be good since it will be only one way for the foreseeable future. I am not a fan of flows, but these pilots come to DAL off probation, no interview other than the NWA now DAL interview they will do to get hired at CPS.

Time will tell, but DAL seems to be intent on using the flow agreements to staff the near term staffing needs.
Aslo FWIW, in 10 years I move up 45% and in the five years after that I move in to the top 30% then two years after that top 13%.

It is flat on the front side, darn near vertical in the middle and I spend the last 10 years in the top 5%.

If I was in flight school right now, I would be hitting this perfectly. Three more years of school, two years at a regional, two year in the right seat of a major, and then a captain for about 38 years at a major. There will be ppl like this with the retirement numbers we have.
Well back to the original title ASA will become just AS, Atlantic Southeast. Biggest waste of money I've ever heard of. If we're gonna change it make it totally different. I can see our mechanic's like James out there at night with a bottle of paint thinner and a rag...........
yeah; that's the plan...sounds like a waste to me, but i guess they gotta spend that money on something since they can't let the pilots get a piece of it
yeah; that's the plan...sounds like a waste to me, but i guess they gotta spend that money on something since they can't let the pilots get a piece of it

well, if that is the case and we are just going to spend money on 'rebranding' the place... that would be disappointing and a waste of money. Our only customers are Delta management and United management and the only way the traveling public knows we arent UNited or Delta is a tiny 5" x 5" sticker on the front nose of the plane that you cant see from the jetway.

of all the things, why would we spend $$ on rebranding a basically virtual airline.... just doesnt pass the sniff test...
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Well maybe OO feels that if the rebrand the airline they can apply and receive a new ATA airline code from ICAO. DAL owns EV, so this may be their way around the fact that they do not have their own code.

Just a thought. No more no less.

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