i don't think anyone is pulling any bonding wires or writing up anything bogus. It's all legit stuff. Nobody is out here sabotaging airplanes.
A quote by Jmoney on 9/1/2007 in the "ASA Havoc Starts" thread:
They have earned it!
The way I look at it, these fools have royally earned what they are getting! They will not be able to blame it on the weather for long! These f-ckers have abused our good-natured people long enough to finally get what they have coming!!!!
-Attention to detail does more damage than a strike-let's all be very, very detail oriented! Check all gounding straps-very good place to find a broken one is under the spoilerons/glds. Just pop those suckers when you show up at 5:30 am for a special morning! Also-the one on the nosegear doors has a strange way of always being broken.
I read that as sabotage...but thats me. Maybe one of the moderators on this site will contact the FBI with this information and the true identity of Jmoney.
Thats quite an impressive bunch you ASA Havoc reekers have there. Oh, and 601...its nice to see your true goal at ASA is to cancel flights, not to just delay them.
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