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ASA hats

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What do you think about the DAL MEC not showing up for the picketing?

Do you have any proof that the DAL pilots were not there? I know for a fact that you weren't there, so how do you even know?
Agreed. All pilots should be supporting all pilots.

(do not spin this into a RJDC discussion point.....)

Now that we agree on something, let's continue. If we are all "bidding" for flying within a brand, if we are all being played against each other in RFPs, if we are all bargaining "separately", how does ALPA stop the whipsaw? Your primary points recently are to back the PAC and wear hats during informational picketing. I see neither as a roadblock to the portfolio bidding war.....
Do you have any proof that the DAL pilots were not there? I know for a fact that you weren't there, so how do you even know?

Because it is coming from one of our MEC members who was there. I see absolutely NO evidence of any "brand scope" from either the DAL nor the NWA MECs. The current battles at ASA, CMR, PCL, and Mesaba are critical if ALPA is to salvage any of it's bargaining power at the regional level. I don't see much help from the mainline MECs.

The clothes we wear are not what makes us professionals; instead, it is our attitudes. Playing dress-up doesn't do much to a person with an unprofessional attitude.

A passenger can't see your attitude from across the terminal, unless it is really really bad. But they can see if you look like a slob. And I guarantee that if you look like a slob, that WILL have a direct impact on their view of you.
Now that we agree on something, let's continue. If we are all "bidding" for flying within a brand, if we are all being played against each other in RFPs, if we are all bargaining "separately", how does ALPA stop the whipsaw? Your primary points recently are to back the PAC and wear hats during informational picketing. I see neither as a roadblock to the portfolio bidding war.....

No one was agreeing with you, they just don't turn it into an RJDC rant. Tell me how RFPs, and your brand scope has ANYTHING to do with whether you, or I, have to wear a hat in when we leave the Bada Bing lounge. And again, I think we should keep the hats, and while we're at it ditch the leather jackets.
Now that we agree on something, let's continue. If we are all "bidding" for flying within a brand, if we are all being played against each other in RFPs, if we are all bargaining "separately", how does ALPA stop the whipsaw? Your primary points recently are to back the PAC and wear hats during informational picketing. I see neither as a roadblock to the portfolio bidding war.....

Excellent point. Considering the RLA and political forces that favor CorpAmerica how is the current ability of ALPA effective?

IOW, change needs to occur, but will changes within ALPA be enough? Or do we need to change the RLA and others via ALPA? Or do have other ideas?
I just wanted to repeat this one for Rez. ;)

Agree with you 100%, atrdriver.

UPS just got leather jackets...

I was talking to a NWA FO the other day and he was talking about ordering his... are NWA mainline guys getting the option too.... NWA mainline wings say US MAIL. I wonder if those guys back in the 1920's and 30's wore leather?

Leather jackets are great... they represent the past while functioning for the future....

Leather jackets should be second to the blazer at picketing and pilot funerals.

Leather jackets go with the pilot image. What does the average passenger think when they see a pilot with a leather jacket. They can go together...and they do... I've gotten compliments on the leather with the hat. It went like this.. 'Hey nice jacket.. looks good with the hat.. too bad you're ugly otherwise you'd have a nice appearance'

The question is.. who doesn't have leather now? CAL? DAL? UAL has em, AMR...too..

DAL was the last to get the jumpseat.. but the day we see the DAL guys crusing ATL with double breasted leather coats will be the day! I say go full length guys.... The gestapo look is in!
UPS just got leather jackets...

Good for them. I have yet to see one of them wearing it, however. Hopefully they'll resist the urge to look like fighter-pilot wannabes.

I wonder if those guys back in the 1920's and 30's wore leather?

Yes, they did.... OUT OF NECESSITY!!!!! When you start flying an open cockpit biplane, then maybe leather would be an appropriate apparel item.

Leather jackets should be second to the blazer at picketing and pilot funerals.

Naval aviators have leather jackets. But do they wear them to formal events? Of course not, because they look far too casual. Using a leather jacket for any serious event such as the picketing and funeral events that you refer to is inappropriate and tacky.

What does the average passenger think when they see a pilot with a leather jacket.

The same thing they think when they see him without a hat, with Ipod earbuds stuck in his ears, or with black tennis shoes: "Is this d0uchebag going to be flying my plane?"
Good for them. I have yet to see one of them wearing it, however. Hopefully they'll resist the urge to look like fighter-pilot wannabes.

I don't think the perrone leather jacket looks fighter pilot. Now if we starting wearing bags and sunglasses indoors, shooting down our watches and putting patches on the jacket then your fighter pilot image would apply..

Yes, they did.... OUT OF NECESSITY!!!!! When you start flying an open cockpit biplane, then maybe leather would be an appropriate apparel item.

have you ever flown in an open cockpit biplane?

Naval aviators have leather jackets. But do they wear them to formal events? Of course not, because they look far too casual. Using a leather jacket for any serious event such as the picketing and funeral events that you refer to is inappropriate and tacky.

that is right.. However, i don't think pilots in leather were turned away when they showed up to support another airline. I know I wasn't when I showed to support two different airlines not my own. In fact that is were I got one of the compliments on the jacket.

The same thing they think when they see him without a hat, with Ipod earbuds stuck in his ears, or with black tennis shoes: "Is this d0uchebag going to be flying my plane?"

Nice try but it doesn't work. trying to associate the leather jacket with the kewl kids of your generation doesn't work. The leather jacket is worn by all generations. It is getting more and more accepted.

The leather jackets is accepted by the pilots and the public.

Now.. how does this rationale apply to the hat...????

The public accepts that hat..... the pilots... not so much.... where does the money come from that ends up in your paycheck?
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