again, your attempt to save face fails. you talking about English and grammar is like a news reporter talking about aviation. in the old saying; "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt", you're definitely removing all doubt!:laugh:
I am just glad I got you to post more in two days than in 5 yrs of being a member here!
-Obviously I struck a nerve. English class just wasn't your bag of Cheetos, was it? That's fine, because you have also demonstrated for everyone here that your ability to construct analogies isn't far behind. Learning was hard, eh?
-Maybe your talents lie elewhere. Like at 1min on this little classic:
-Maybe we WILL find something you are good at!
-Here is a better analogy:
"You calling anyone else an idiot makes as much sense as Obama calling anyone else a Marxist...."