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ASA Considers iPad EFBs

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Well, I am truly sorry that ASA has such a low expectation and tolerance of ineptitude in their ramp/gate employees. I am now in agreement with you! Put you bags in the cabin and let the paying pax have the lost bags. Again, please tell your management thanks for all the effort they put into the betterment of the fractional industry.

A side story, if you will, that goes nicely with yours. Airline in to OMA on ASA. Wait in the jetbridge for bag. All bags are gone and I am still there. Agent very forcefully explains to me that all the carryons are unloaded. I suggested that they were not. I was then informed that I had checked my bag and that it would be at baggage claim. I explained that it looked like the "real" pilots' bags and I had physically placed it on the cart in the rain in ATL. He mumbled something about baggage claim again. I went to the ticket counter downstairs and found a more than competent and way less methed out Frontier agent who gladly took my $20 to go look for and retrieve my bag from one of DL's Canadairs. He and I chuckled about it. I then got in a cab for the hotel, single bag for a 7 day with a clean shirt for every day and some play clothes;), in tow.

We used to personally place our overnight bags into very large high-visibility yellow vinyl bags which would Velcro shut and place them in the cargo bins ourselves. You couldn't miss these things. The rampers would then remove from the airplane, struggle to get them out of the yellow "crew bags", and send them to baggace claim, another airport, etc... They of course would say "what bag?
Well, I am truly sorry that ASA has such a low expectation and tolerance of ineptitude in their ramp/gate employees. I am now in agreement with you! Put you bags in the cabin and let the paying pax have the lost bags. Again, please tell your management thanks for all the effort they put into the betterment of the fractional industry.

A side story, if you will, that goes nicely with yours. Airline in to OMA on ASA. Wait in the jetbridge for bag. All bags are gone and I am still there. Agent very forcefully explains to me that all the carryons are unloaded. I suggested that they were not. I was then informed that I had checked my bag and that it would be at baggage claim. I explained that it looked like the "real" pilots' bags and I had physically placed it on the cart in the rain in ATL. He mumbled something about baggage claim again. I went to the ticket counter downstairs and found a more than competent and way less methed out Frontier agent who gladly took my $20 to go look for and retrieve my bag from one of DL's Canadairs. He and I chuckled about it. I then got in a cab for the hotel, single bag for a 7 day with a clean shirt for every day and some play clothes;), in tow.
Hey, dbag dork-nuts, ASA doesn't have any ramp "slash" gate personel. The same thing happens to me on mainline. Retrieving my bag from baggage claim in Atlanta is not unfamiliar. And yet I still don't cry on FI for the Delta pilots to "implore management best recognize". Take that stick outta your butthole. That is a stick right, Frances???
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As opposed to the guys who get in, have to quickly change and head to the nearest bar to drink all night and spend $60 bucks a night drinking? So whats wrong with the people that save money by bringing food, and exercising instead of drinking?

Who says you can't exercise then drink?? Sounds like a cop out.

slam-clicking and "saving money" = masturbating
I follow a simple rule, there are two kinds of baggage, carry on and lost! I only check when I am forced to, gate check if possible.
As any flight attendant who pink tags her/his bag. They'll tell you about the times it never made it to the overnight. Bad idea. As far as overpacking, it has to do partially with the fact that most of our guys are slam clickers and pack 5 days worth of food, their computer, two pairs of running shoes, sweaters, jackets, clothing, and for some strange reason,just one uniform shirt for 5 days.

That is so true. I've seen guys wearing the same dirty shirt for days and they tell me they can't afford shirts and here they are stuffing their faces twice a day with those $5 lattes.
All of ASA's baggage handling in ATL is done by Delta. Additionally, OMA is handled by REAS- Regional Elite Air Services, another Delta-owned company. Unfortunately we don't have many ASA-handled stations left anymore; a shame, because many truly cared about delivering a quality product and service to ASA's customers, and took pride in the company they worked for.

I believe it was widely discussed a couple of years ago about Delta taking over the ASA gate/ramp stuff because of the unreliability of the personnel working there at the time. It has gotten just a teeny bit better, but that's like saying the hurricane must be past because the wind has dropped to 74 mph.

Maybe the current/past personnel there think they are/were delivering a quality product and service but I have never heard ANY customer say anything good about the product. I travel from ATL to the Tri-Cities area 6 or 7 times a year. My choices are one hour on an ASA RJ or a five hour drive. Choose the drive...every time.
And I made it in 39 minutes the other night! Enjoy your drive.
well then enjoy your drive, our flts to TRI are usually full anyway so you're not missed

If the RJ is almost full then I know I will be better off at 5 hours in an Escalade. If ASA put an RJ90 with first class seats on that route I would probably take the flight. When they put the 15th seat in the 200 series it became too crowded for us taller folks.
If the RJ is almost full then I know I will be better off at 5 hours in an Escalade. If ASA put an RJ90 with first class seats on that route I would probably take the flight. When they put the 15th seat in the 200 series it became too crowded for us taller folks.
No need to be a dork, besides instead of the escalade why not drive the falcon?

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