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AS 4Q/Full Year Profit

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And it shows in the finances.

LUV 2009 income 99Mil / 529 airplanes = Profit of $178,000 per airplane.
ALK 2009 income 121Mil / 116 airplanes = Profit of $1.04 Mil per airplane.

Who is utilizing their resources better? Would I like my job back? Sure! But they do not need me. The fact is ALK over the last few years has squeezed more profit out of its resources, human and machine, than other airlines.

I admire and applaud your attitude and hope you are recalled quickly. Don't be fooled by those numbers though. Alaska wrote off some expenses early last year(2008) and pushed costs forward in 2009. Take a look at their full financials especially the foot notes. I'm guessing they're either trying to avoid a takeover/acquisition or trying to get the most money for the stockholders in a takeover/acquisition. I think Alaska is a great airline unfortunately the postion they are in makes them very attractive for a buyout. With you're kind of attitude you'll do great no matter what. Ignore Hpilot he's a 757 captain commuting out of GEG and wishes he had a Seattle base.
And it shows in the finances.

LUV 2009 income 99Mil / 529 airplanes = Profit of $178,000 per airplane.
ALK 2009 income 121Mil / 116 airplanes = Profit of $1.04 Mil per airplane.

Who is utilizing their resources better? Would I like my job back? Sure! But they do not need me. The fact is ALK over the last few years has squeezed more profit out of its resources, human and machine, than other airlines.

At what cost? Who's furloughed? How's your pay rates? Who's sharing in the profits? ...YOU?

Are you sure your a pilot? Your cheering a company who has furloughed you and cheering it's ability to squeeze every ounce of goodwill out of this companies employees.
How long do you think that's gonna last?

I have alot of friends at Alaska, let's just say you hold a perverse picture on what's important.

Good Luck
I admire and applaud your attitude and hope you are recalled quickly. Don't be fooled by those numbers though. Alaska wrote off some expenses early last year(2008) and pushed costs forward in 2009. Take a look at their full financials especially the foot notes. I'm guessing they're either trying to avoid a takeover/acquisition or trying to get the most money for the stockholders in a takeover/acquisition. I think Alaska is a great airline unfortunately the postion they are in makes them very attractive for a buyout. With you're kind of attitude you'll do great no matter what. Ignore Hpilot he's a 757 captain commuting out of GEG and wishes he had a Seattle base.

What's this, a management bung ranger convention. You quite flying if you are who I thnk you are. What are you doing on this board. you've got a life.
At what cost? Who's furloughed? How's your pay rates? Who's sharing in the profits? ...YOU?

Are you sure your a pilot? Your cheering a company who has furloughed you and cheering it's ability to squeeze every ounce of goodwill out of this companies employees.
How long do you think that's gonna last?

I have alot of friends at Alaska, let's just say you hold a perverse picture on what's important.

Good Luck

What cost? The family atmosphere.
Who's Furloughed? ME.
How's your pay rates? Good enough for the pilots to vote for them.
Who's sharing in the profits? ...YOU? Yes actually. 8% of what I made in '09
Are you a pilot? Yes.
How long do you think that's gonna last? As long as the share holders and employees like it.

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