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Any other pay cuts @ Netjest Inc?

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Absolutely, it goes w/the job; none of the wives dispute that. What we're saying is that the salary can't JUSTIFY the sacrifices made by the pilots and their families. To all those who say "then go do something else", I have an answer. If the NJA pilots don't get a contract that makes the lifestyle worth it, many will. BUT --they are a UNION, and as such, are expected to negotiate their salaries. Why walk away without a fight? You don't get what you don't ask for, remember?
Yes, but act in a professional manner, aim for shared higher goals and quit with the whining!

The truth of the matter is----

You can't pull the wool over my eyes, Hawk...:) Your post doesn't look so bad here, but I received the original version via email. What you REALLY SAID was--

Yes, but act in a professional manner, aim for shared higher goals and
quit with the **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** whining!

It must be pointed out that your post/complaint about my so called "whining" is merely a subjective opinion NOT held by the majority of pilots on the NJ board OR this one. The encouragement (for interjecting the family perspective) openly posted and privately sent far outweighs the negative criticism I have received. On the other hand, I am backed up by the moderators in my request for you to stop the personal attacks. What ever happened to your promise to be more civil? You're backsliding, Hawkered....:(
Family Issues

I would like to address the statement regarding family sacrifices. It may never be worth it. To me, it is a decision, not so much a sacrifice. When one decides to make aviation a career, for the most part, we have made a choice that can have negative effects on family life, relationships with wives, and on our ability to have roots in a particular place.
Throughout my career, many of my friends were envious of all the places I got to go, the people I met, the adventureous nature of it all. They grew up and lived in one city for most of their lives near their extended families. They had generational roots there and I envied them for the stability they seem to have and strength of family support.
There we all were looking at the others life with envy. The point here is that it was a decision made. To find the balance in the middle, well, that is the hard part. In the end, we have to set the priorities we have and decide what is best. True sacrifice is the giving or surrendering for anothers benefit. Your children did not vote to sacrifice but you and your husband decided that this was a course of action to something that would reward you and him together I assume.
If you want my empathy, then show some empathy for others who make these same kind of decisions all the time. TA's come and go and they are usually result in a vote. If you vote No, that is your right. My problem has been your arguments do not hold true in the real world and unless you understand the other side's position and are empathetic with them, you will never reach a contract that is acceptable to both sides.
Unless you all can find a common ground of all parties, the decision you and your husband made will remain full of angst that will effect those who are the priorities of your life-- your children.
How interesting that we are switching sides when it comes to the definition of sacrifice. You are giving the word more of a noble connotation than I was. I used the word in more of the business sense---a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value; What I am saying, is that to many families, the pay (currently and in the TA) isn't worth it. The NJA pilots (and yes, their families) have begun the process "of finding the balance in the middle."

I do recognize that negotiations must take place within the pilotforce, itself, and not only with the company. When work begins on the NEXT TA, we will see those discussions started after the surveys have been conducted. That is a critical step that was skipped by the current MEC; a terrible mistake that SU will not repeat. The goal of a Union is to get the best contract for the most people. That is only fair. Naturally, there will be some give and take involved in the search for balance.

The reason so many of us are adamantly opposed to the FIRST OFFER, is that it cannot begin to pass the fairness test. As I told the MEC at our Road Show, I am indicative of many wives (in my state and on our board). We share the same opinion in regards to the TA, IT ISN'T EVEN CLOSE!

I have no doubt that as we get closer, you and others will see the NJA pilots engaged in those very discussions you are now calling for. NJW

Don't worry about this contract stuff all that much. You hubby is only one out of over 1900 pilots. You guys can't affect the outcome of the contract individually. SU will take over soon and we can only hope that they will do the things necessary to help the pilot group out. Hopefully they won't get caught up in having the "Power" and then in the end forgetting about all of us. Struggle for the MEC vote is a Power struggle right now.
Rfb, I'm going to respectfully disagree w/you on your perception of the MEC vote as a "Power Struggle". That implies a fight by a small group (5 on each slate) for a specific position within the Union. The StrongUnion Organization is far, far, more than 5 candidates vying for office. It is a large membership that sprang from a grass roots movement after the TA came out and has now turned into a cohesive, organized unit with shared goals that reach far beyond voting down the TA. My husband and I have much more than hope that SU will help the pilots, we have a great deal of confidence, based on their work so far --appealing to the legal dept of the IBT for help w/the voting mess, to give a noteworthy example. Additionally,the conference calls (that my husband participates in) highlight much of the behind the scenes work done by many volunteers to lay the groundwork for future moves that will be of great benefit to the pilotforce. Suffice it to say, that SU is leaving no stone unturned in their quest to improve things for the pilots. They take their slogan--Fighting For Our Future-- very seriously.

Good Luck with your support of SU. Hope they don't let you down.

MEC vote and take over by SU is definately a power struggle!

Good thing for us.... its about 1895 to 5 for Strong Union! Strong Union is taking a serious lead in this election process. Looks like a landslide.
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I'll say it again...:)...SU is a MOVEMENT....an attitude....a belief....hope...confidence...determination.... An organization that values every PERSON....pilots and wives....and welcomes anyone that wants to volunteer. The group has already exceeded any leadership seen to date. "They" are US. If WE fail, we'll have only ourselves to blame. The more people that volunteer, the stronger WE as a MOVEMENT are!
"I'll say it again......SU is a MOVEMENT....an attitude....a belief....hope...confidence...determination.... An organization that values every PERSON....pilots and wives....and welcomes anyone that wants to volunteer. The group has already exceeded any leadership seen to date. "They" are US. If WE fail, we'll have only ourselves to blame. The more people that volunteer, the stronger WE as a MOVEMENT are!"

Yes Netjetwife. This is all true. I can't argue with you here. Lets just sit back and see what happens after SU is in office for a while. You know.........after Santulli and Boisture get hold of them. Thats when we will know if this group is for real or not!

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