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Anti-union letter from the IPJB.

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Oh wait, that's right, we've been beaten down one to many times by management...

Please read Hard Landing.

If you already have, read it again.
If you haven't, don't post again until you do.
There is a difference. Just because I disagree with some of you guys and sometimes the company (it's still a free country last I checked), it doesn't force me to be somebody I'm not. The attitude dipicted here is no different than those pilots out there slowing their taxis = to a crawl or not showing up to work in mass numbers because of their dissatisfaction with their contract talks. Is that where we are headed? Is there no pride in what we do anymore? Oh wait, that's right, we've been beaten down = one too many times by management so we're going to display our protest by not doing anything more that what we're supposed to... Sounds like a union to me-- good practice...

Good God Man..... if we were in revolutionary America you'd be a loyalist to the Crown.....

If your fellow pilots want to practice self rule and you want an MBA to own you and your family... don't be someone you are not. Do what you need to do....
Another thread trashed by Regul8r.....thanks for contributing nothing..again.
Thread looks like it's doing just fine. But I apologize, B6. I'll step out of the way here while you and ALPO go back to solving the problems of the Airline Industry on Flight Info. Thank you for contributing so much. You're my hero!:rolleyes:
Thread looks like it's doing just fine. But I apologize, B6. I'll step out of the way here while you and ALPO go back to solving the problems of the Airline Industry on Flight Info. Thank you for contributing so much. You're my hero!:rolleyes:

It's not about "solving" problems. We're pilots not MBAs.

It's about negotiating for professional services rendered and it's not at all unusual.

Hiring ALPA is a lot like hiring a divorce attorney.

Right now, every time Jetblue pilots walk into "court" and represent themselves (PVC) they give more away to their very-well represented wife (Ford&Harrison).
Walking in with ALPA is like walking in with the attorney from the Simpsons. An in-house union with the dues that your pilots generate will pay for all the professional services you want/need without the added cost of allocating your dues to any other folly that ALPA wants to pursue.
Walking in with ALPA is like walking in with the attorney from the Simpsons. An in-house union with the dues that your pilots generate will pay for all the professional services you want/need without the added cost of allocating your dues to any other folly that ALPA wants to pursue.

Please proivide a list of actual attorney's that would provide those services.....
Cards are flying everywhere.

We are all now waiting for the Ford&Harrison boiler plate that says:

"we were planning to give you x,y,and z and it was all just about tied up and delivered but NOW we can't because ALPA screwed it all up for you."

3 in 10 jetblue pilots will believe it
8 in 10 jetblue flight attendants will believe it
9 in 10 jetblue pencil pushers will believe it
0 in 10 jetblue administrators will believe it
0 in 10 jetblue labor attorneys will believe it
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