sorry. no worries. That attitude of "I'd fly big shinny jets for that pay" really gets me fired up sometimes.
I never said that the pay rate was good. I agree it's not the best for those aircraft types (none of which are on the property). What I was commenting on was the fact that the pay proposal did not reduce the hourly pay rate on any aircraft currently on the property... (There may be a small change in some as the A/C get banded together, but pilots currently on that equipment will be pay protected)
Also remember this is just an opener from the company. It may be possible to get those rates a little higher during negotiations. The question is what would they have to give up to raise the rates on an A/C thats not on property?
I don't know enough about the current work rules at AA to know what the proposed changes would mean. Thus my comments were mostly focused on pay rates...