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ALPA Age 60 Survey

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Adma Smith had it right 200 years ago, everyone makes decisions in thier best economic interest.
No greed behind that statement, now is there?:rolleyes:


There is no greed in that statement at all. It is an explaination to the younger pilots reading this on how to retire without suckling on the company's teet. We, including myself, knew the rules when we took this ill advised path toward a flying career. I am not the one trying to get "five downs instead of four, late in the fourth quarter". Keep flying, just not 121 ops. We haven't even breached the subject of the thousands on the street. I think there financial situation is probably a little more dire.
I was flying not long ago with a Capt who was whining about having to become an engineer at 60 b/c of financial reasons. Later after this issue was a dead horse he told me about his plane that he was flying to Fla on vacation. That is why I am strongly opposed to this change.
Purpledog said:
Later after this issue was a dead horse he told me about his plane that he was flying to Fla on vacation. That is why I am strongly opposed to this change.
So, you don't like the fact that this guy will take a pay cut, but keep working because he has an airplane. He has too many toys to deserve to work any longer. Who the hell are you to determine whether someone else "deserves" to work or not. It's a ridiculous rule based on a silly arbitrary number. What most of the folks who are so strongly opposed to this rule fail to recognize or acknowledge, is that they too will be able to work longer if they so desire, so long as they are fit. Nobody is forcing them to keep working, and nobody should be forced to stop.
If a person is fit to fly, there should be nothing stopping them just because they crossed an imaginary line that means absolutely nothing.
Dude, your statements are all about "he's had his chance, now get out of my way".
Get rid of age restrictions, they are silly.
Nobody is forcing them to keep working, and nobody should be forced to stop.
Wrong. The company will make you work until the mandated retirement age if you want to collect your full retirement. I realize many have lost their DB plans but hopefully in the next 20 years this industry will stop racing to the bottom. Life expectency in the US is 77. I would bet it is lower for pilots. That sounds like a great plan. Be forced to work until 67 live a couple years and die. I'm sure many airline managements would endorse this with open arms.
Purpledog said:
Wrong. The company will make you work until the mandated retirement age if you want to collect your full retirement.
Totally different subject and completely different from company to company. Try again.
Hugh Jorgan said:
.............What most of the folks who are so strongly opposed to this rule fail to recognize or acknowledge, is that they too will be able to work longer if they so desire, so long as they are fit. Nobody is forcing them to keep working, and nobody should be forced to stop............

If the guys who want to stay past 60 delay my upgrade and diminish my career earnings then I am FORCED by them to work longer in order to make up for the left seat time lost. Time that they got and then kept some more.

If you wanna stay, move to the right seat. That's the way that is most fair for ALL.
Totally different subject and completely different from company to company. Try again.
Hmm thought we were talking about retirement. Maybe I am crazy. A spirited issue, none the less which will surely polarize the profession and enabling a continued spiral. Divide and conquer, step one to defeating an enemy.
SuperFLUF said:
Finally an honest reply.

My "NO" vote is about my future potential income as well.

I'm sorry you gambled on the pension being there when you retire or whatever it is that causes your retirement funds to be insufficent now but I'm not going to pay for it. The government is allready making me subsidize your social security by moving my retirement age to 67, why should I give up earnings and retirment $$ so you can make up for your retirment shortfall? Are you willing to give back the extra money you made because of the age 60 rule?

Again, you can stay but get outta my seat. Make up your retirment funds as an FO or go fly a biz jet.
I can see both sides...the yes and no...of this issue. I'm at an age where I really should be on the fence, but I lean towards yes on principle.

Anyway, my only point is that whichever way one sides, it's because that's what's best for that person.

However, if you're behind me, it ain't your seat until I'm gone one way or another.
FL000 said:
Anyway, my only point is that whichever way one sides, it's because that's what's best for that person.
I'm at the age where I am definitely in the minority for supporting abolishment of the age 60 rule, but I am amazed that anyone can look at that and see anything other than baseless discrimination. Those opposing the change are rather short-sighted in my view.
The argument that "the company will just make you work until 67 to collect your full retirement" is silly. Hell, in 20 years there likely won't be any defined benefits anyway. At least I'm not counting on any. Regardless, I don't know of any company at this point that still has DB that requires you to work until 60 to collect it. Most DB's I've read about are based on a formula of years worked multiplied by an average earning. . I don't think I really want to work much more than beyond 60, or I may work till I'm only 55. I don't know at this point. But one things for sure. I sure as hell don't want any of YOU GUYS deciding when it's time for me to retire based on when YOU think YOU deserve to upgrade. Who's greedy?

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