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Aloha Airlines files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

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It just so happens that the mighty Falco was on the airways when I was trying to choose my name for the cesspool that is FlightInfo. :) I had registration problems with "Chicken Choker", so Der Kommissar it is.

Anybody got any ideas what Carney (sp?) is going to do to HAL? He's kinda Emperor Palpatine-ish in his evilness, eh? Yes, I'm a geek. I really hope that they can get someone in there to drive the bus the right way. I had a chance to meet Mark Dunkerly when they still let me play in the sandbox, and he was a really nice guy. One of the few management types I've met that actually seemed to give a **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** about the employees. Of course...then there was no job for me after that. Doh!

(edit) You've got to be kidding me. What sort of puritanical "moral majority" filter is on this board? Hahahah... Shugar Honey Ice Tea! Muhahaha...filter that.
Der Kommissar said:
One of the few management types I've met that actually seemed to give a **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** about the employees..
"seemed" being the operative word...

Der Kommissar said:
(edit) You've got to be kidding me. What sort of puritanical "moral majority" filter is on this board? Hahahah... Shugar Honey Ice Tea! Muhahaha...filter that.
Don't get me started...
Hugh, your comment about Dunkerly is wrong. He has proven himself. He has made numerous innovations and he has the support of the majority of the employee's. One of Hawaiians stongest assets is it's use of technology, they've spent millions and Dunkerly is a big part of that. There is not a single example of anything he has done that has been anything but be upfront and to the benefit of Hawaiian Airlines. He is management, his job is running an airline and he is doing an excellant job.
Hugh was across the tarmac, albeit for a short while. :)

I stand by my feelings about Dunkerly. Just wish that there was space for me over there in Dispatch!

Time will tell. No one can be certain if that statement is wrong or not until he's left the building. Hugh's comment (actually Kommisar used "seemed", Hugh just emphasized it) is one of skepticism and caution. Sure he's been a great guy...so far. Thats the way it starts off most of the time. Based on the track record of airline management in general, if he turned around and hosed everyone over, it wouldnt be out of the norm and shouldnt be a big suprise. It wouldnt be the first airline manager to shake your hand and pick your pocket at the same time.

We're all glad he's doing a great job so far and hope he keeps it up and he breaks the stereotype of airline managers. Just dont be so eager for a savior that you let your guard down. I know your MEC guys are doing a good job of that.
Yor right, don't mean to put him on a pedistal. The jury is always out on any of them, but Dunkerly is starting to be perceived in the Bethune/ Kellaher league by quite a few employee's and of course their are always those that disagree.
The reason for rising to his defense is because the proponets of the HARC plan have been trying to discredit his accomplishments as well as slander Ranch Capital. So I'm quick to point out whats right with Hawaiian since so much false info has been put out.


Just another example that anything other than Hawaiian seems to be on a positive path is probably mistaken.
I do hope for the best for you guys.
Man, I was thinking about dropping a few grand on HA stock when it hit the bottom not long after BK was declared. Sure wish I would have. Best of luck.
Wanna know what's worse than that? Soon after the stock took a $hit, Gottbaum told all the employees the stock would soon be worthless, and implied that we should think about selling ours. I sold mine for just over a buck a share, and got about 1300 dollars. Man it still makes me sick.
Anybody have any ideas on how to get Aloha to pay me my last paycheck, and pay me for my accrued and unused vacation? I'm running out of ideas, other than going to the state labor department. It's been over three weeks, and all Lydia keeps giving me is excuses.

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